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Everything posted by ecoli

  1. If this was true, in principle, than only the rich and powerful could afford automobiles and laptops.
  2. Considering that most rich people today are "self-made" what exactly are your concerns in relation to human cloning?
  3. False premise!
  4. I'm not sure who Marlim Monroe is, but how do you jump from cloning to such sophisticated genetic engineering. You do realize that the two are not equivilent
  5. It is not, but off to the side in Grand Central Terminal (not "Station" - that's the post office across the street) is a display booth for the new glasses-free 3d Nintendo DS.
  6. How would you test this idea, what model systems would you use and what would predict from potential experiments?
  7. I think it would make sense that hospital-acquired are resistant to a greater number of antimicrobials because in a hospital setting there's a lot more antimicrobials being used. Not a definitive test though.
  8. 'In the US, this is a 7-8 year program. Worth it if you want the dual degree, plus it's fully funded. The trend for MD/PhD is to practice at least part of the time, because that MD degree pays better than the PhD (as far as the academic/university hospital setting goes).
  9. The US is about as far away from capitalism as it is from communism (ok, maybe a little closer to being capitalist but you see my point) so your point is fairly moot.
  10. http://www.snopes.com/crime/justice/grambo.asp
  11. Daily show on the no fly zone: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-march-21-2011/odyssey-dawn---unconstitutional-war
  12. It drives me crazy when [especially] creationists try to interpret the Bible to make claims that the bible predicted certain scientific principles (which lends to its credibility) or to avoid addressing how some thousand year old law no longer applies to civil society... yet insist on taking a literal interpretation of other parts when it suits them, to demonstrate that the earth is 5000 years old or that God is the source of moral authority. I understand the need to pick and choose what principles and teachings to apply to a modern context, but at least be honest and non-hypocritical about it!
  13. What does it mean when a mathematical model collapses?
  14. Key word emphasized. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and all you have are maybes and posturing.
  15. You have to ferment before distilling, don't you? btw - really happy this thread came back Awesome! I'd like to pick your brain sometime. I just made a coconut cream stout (extract + specialty grains) that should be ready to crack open next week. Very psyched.
  16. I'm in an academic setting, and will likely be taking courses in the future, but a self-study background would be helpful for more immediacy. Eventually I'd like to be able to design/program my own systems, but for now I'm using tools developed by others in the lab.
  17. He's taught AP before. I think he likes the fact that IB is international, so you can have a good sense of your scores relative to people around the world, not just US. Furthermore, [i think he said that] the standards are better. On the other hand, the IB is way more programmatic, so it's a bigger commitment for students since there are minimum course requirements, etc.
  18. Hi everyone. I'm in a lab right and trying to learn linear algebra, statistics modeling, programming all at the same time and it's overwhelming me. My project is systems biology modeling (regulation network inference) and so it involves learning and clustering. Most of the reviews and textbooks that I'm trying to read are too advanced or too slow. Does anybody know of any texts or resources where I learn this stuff gently, but in a way where I wouldn't have to essentially do a whole applied math degree just to get up to scratch? I started watching the Kahn Academy lectures on linear algebra, but it's fairly slow. Strang's course on MIT OCW and his applied LA textbook is a little better, but again it's more general than what I really need. Any recommendations or should I just suck it up and spend a lot more time learning this stuff to get a comprehensive education.
  19. I wouldn't be able to answer those questions, but I don't *think* that research is a requirement. But if you're interested in science, definitely do research.
  20. I'm not all that familiar with the intimate details of biofilms and antibiotics (haven't taken my bacteriology course yet) but antimicrobials aren't completely stable, so it's possible that they're being degraded or washed out before the persister cells re-activate?
  21. Ok, but where would the capital come from? My intuition is that this is not a good idea, because states can't bail themselves out and this is sort of like capital creation. Unless it's prohibited by state constitution though, it doesn't sound illegal.
  22. You need sufficient evidence that rules out alternative hypotheses: such as you're hallucinating or insane.
  23. Krebs cycle
  24. Actually, SMF and steevy are wrong. All molecules can be said to have a half life. It's just that for many molecules, half life is so long, the term is only used commonly for radioactive materials. Half life of a diamond (which decays into graphite) is on the order of millions to billions of years. For biological molecules, it's common to talk about mRNA decay, which is measured in half lives, as a measure of stability (also down for proteins). In this study, β-actin was determined to have a half life of 6.5-13 hours.
  25. ecoli

    God exists

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