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Everything posted by Lan(r)12

  1. Yeah, what about that? You make a good point...
  2. that does make sense...i couldnt possibly see how something tht heavy could exist here. Thanks for your help
  3. Ive read that even a little thimble-full of matter from objects like nuetron stars weigh an ungodly amount on Earth. My question is, can this matter even exist on Earth? Is there a limit to how dense an object can be on this Earth? Thanks for any info
  4. ...hmmm... I see what you are saying...but it still seems like an afterthought...I guess thats why they are run together then, eh? lol
  5. Why are IR and NMR always used together to determine a molecule’s structure. Why can NMR not be used alone to determine structure? I know that nuclear magnetic resonance tells us what the carbon "skeleton", if you will, looks like and what types/locations of hydrogens there are...isnt that enough? As far as I can tell, infrared spectroscopy only reveals the presence/absence of primary functional groups...why is this important...well I know why functional groups are important, but couldnt we just get by with NMR? Is this situation akin to NMR being the drawing in balck and white, and IR being the color that makes it look better? lol To me, IR seems superflous at best...but what do I know, thats why Im asking you all
  6. Im studying electric potential in my physics class, and I need some clarification on the concept behind it. The electric field of a point charge is capable of extending an infinite distance, right? Does this mean that electric potential spreads to infinity as well? Im sorry, I should know this by now lol Any info is greatly appreciated...
  7. Hey my name is Landon. Originally came here for organic chem help, but now I love reading threads and all that jazz. lol for someone really crappy at the math involved with science, I like it a lot. If only they wanted scientists with Literature skills!!! oh, but they dont lol bye everybodys
  8. hey!

    this forum is pretty good methinks :)

  9. Well, any little bit helps...
  10. Well, for our Organic I Final, we get a chance to answer a bonus question Our prof gave us three questions and told us that one would be the bonus, and that we can figure out the right one and do it, or memorize all three. But upon further research, the other two are Chemically Impossible. So, if you Chemists out there could help me out that would be great! The Q is: "Propose a method to synthesize (E)-4-octene from coumpunds with three or fewer carbon atoms." As it happens, I suck at the retro-thinking required for synthesis problem solving, so any info is greatly appreciated! >>Thanks<< Lan
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