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Asimov Pupil

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Everything posted by Asimov Pupil

  1. not familiar with it. anyone mind explaining that one?
  2. my chemistry teacher said it is impossible to calculate the entire energy of a particle but i disagree. it may sound stupid but i'm still in highschool.
  3. If you mean total darkness (All absence of ultraviolet radiation) then it travels at the same speed light travels at. \
  4. Think of it as a grid and you have the tree spacial dimentions on the Y axis and time on the X Axis and speed as your slope. If you increase your slope/speed then then the time it takes to cross the same amount of space is shortened compared to the the one doing it at a slower speed.
  5. Reminds me of Isaac Asimov's book Foundation and Earth
  6. Here's a thought, two particles travel from the same point, and arive at the same place at the same time, but strangley enough the one particle travels around a curve. The one traveling in the straight line goes at 98% c, does that mean the other travels >c?
  7. Einstien clearly stated with some fancy mathematics that gravity does travel at the speed of light
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