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Everything posted by timetes

  1. again just a mother..... but if you put something like a metal screen in front of it....wouldnt it heat the screen which is larger....and i would assume a large area is warmed. The idea is a small heat area to make a larger heat area. Kinda like an electric stove. I thought about that with solar pannels. If they put a lens dome on a solar pannel it would generate more solor energy. still the problem is....storing this energy. If someone can figure that out... Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedopps to a smaller area....sorry......ok .....a funnel...lol
  2. What if static electricity was accidently passed thru or added to the wave would one feel that vibration...not the sound? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedwhat if a magnet force was added to this wave?
  3. opps....sorry my son said its impossible for gamma rays......how about solar sun burst rays..... also, im starting to think this em zaps may be coming from the tv box, it feels like a sucking gravity and its painful. Oh and its not physical......because I used a glass of water and the water vibrated with the thumping....
  4. thats it....gamma ray bursts.... there must be a new technology harnessing these waves for energy and or weapons.. "The initial burst is usually followed by a longer-lived "afterglow" emitting at longer wavelengths (X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, infrared, and radio)." quote My question would be.....can a mirror change that wave angle and can it be stored or captured? maybe stored by satillites? I know we have detectors for them. oh....and for the poster ,who are you if your not human LOL....
  5. Why thank you:-) most think im nuts...lol I just read a quote....."most say, what can not be done with science instead of what is possible with science". Very true and most are stuck on old thearys, I would assume..........Im just a mother...ohhh now a grandmother:) An issue is "if a new invention is made, make sure it can not harm the earth and all who live here and it can be counter-acted or reversed"....just in case. That said ....apparently they did adoped an....."Artificially engineered composite termed "metamaterial" control over a "medium" well....electomagnetic waves is what im interested in..... tunneling by "Zero" index. Ok....Polarization of electromagnetic waves using Anisotropic metamaterial...."wave retarders" " I guess it was designed for a highly efficient broadband wave retarder ..........what could that material be? Should I cover my plugs? Again.......can you make a house with it or use this in an apartment? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Im not sure what type of material should be used or is being used but I found this info baluns .... http://www.eznec.com/Amateur/Articles/Baluns.pdf so there is a "possibility" that I may be feeling a wave or zap from cable wire not insilated enough. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balun topaz is a stone.....what could be used a an "insilation" in a home that dense enough to stop all types of waves. As I see that it must be a mixture of natural and man made.
  6. Well they seem to have some sort of other type of waves....terahertz radiation....seems to through everything ......except water and metal.... privacy gone... unless your sitting in a metal tub:eyebrow: Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged great....what could that compound be? Then patent it. With all these smart people here...... what type of shielding could be used against some of this new technology that could be harmful to humans.....mico-magnetic-electrical-radiation... waves/lasers/infred etc. What I got was.....a material without carbin as not to make the shield less dense. Steel/Water tanks/Ployethylene and apparently ...need something to attenuate them all.
  7. ao, "master of a age of mythology" what does that mean?
  8. padren.....you made no sence.
  9. Ok....plus lead and the Iron core. Well, If I made a shield of one of these materials (except the core) to keep out harmful waves/privacy, would the out side of the shield be the "zero potential" were this new energy is made? Did that make sence.
  10. are you guys saying that this woman in the article is lying, or making this up
  11. so apparently lead is the most dense material on earth. So that means no lasers or infra red can go throught this material. I remember watching on TV the Russan ship that was at the bottom of a sea.......all died in this accident. But I thought they were able to see through the Lead ship? hmmmm, cant build a house with lead! Im talking security and privacy here.
  12. are you kidding, have you ever been robbed?
  13. well there is a weapon given to local authority, i think this type of stuff can be bought over the internet at any security site. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16339-us-police-could-get-pain-beam-weapons.html http://www.fbi.gov/publications/leb/2008/april08leb.pdf
  14. So sorry, but this is the last time Ill post here, but I just tried to doze off and I got a shock right thru my ear. All of you may not believe this, but I was just read this information. Sorry this is external not internal. "google "electronic surveillance systems" three will show up http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geu1WzgZdJHuMAJwBVqZp4/SIG=11tr33vkl/EXP=1234752307/**http%3A//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surveillance http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geu1WzgZdJHuMAKABVqZp4/SIG=12gs5c75u/EXP=1234752307/**http%3//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_article_surveillance http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geu1WzgZdJHuMAKQBVqZp4/SIG=122bqsk2k/EXP=1234752307/**http%3A//www.cdc.gov/ncphi/disss/nndss/netss.htm apparently against the law to use, but security companys use them. tess
  15. forget the whatever that is "faraday cage" Im apparently in a cage. Im getting the zaps below me and now above me. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged this information was given to me http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/files/weapon2.pdf
  16. So, what I just read on your question......the answers all seem to be no ..... But not one answered if there is a limit to how dense and object can be on earth? Why would it have to be radio active or like nuetron star? or dangerous? maybe Im not paying attention to the question or answers
  17. well, maybe you could. For about two years Ive been feeling a zap, like an electrical shock ( posted on physic site "electrisity"). Just recently I found out there are "electronic harrassment devices out there" a simple microwave machine we cook with can be converted to a "microwave weapon, that goes thru walls causing a shock or heat to a person" I kinda concluded that these shocks i am getting are not physical but external. I can actually feel which way the wave or beam is coming. Im not too sure which one of these devises i mentioned in a previous post (that are on the market) is causing me pain, I just wanted to know what could stop it..... Its a sticky subject because not too many know they exist.... you may not even believe it.
  18. ok "gravitational potential energy" lets store it and use it....LOL and get rid of oil.
  19. I would assume there is something to this....... the gov is switching from analog to digital. Apparently it effect some sort of wave? not sure.
  20. tried that. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged I read the following at different sites: It seems that copper wire mesh deflects focus of EMF Mirrors can deflect certain forms of lazers or waves Radar is deflected by hearvy duty plastic or ribberized fabric Ultrasound and infrasound can be stopped abruptly with loud FM or AM Broadcast ..bea sting lazers work with burns using vaseline Carbon paint and Mylar plastic seem to stop the wave. now amonia or nitric acid was said to only have protons, so that would stop the wave. So this question, must sound silly, but apparently these new forms of wave forces being produced have no way of being stoped. Well like a solar wind or light, is that just on and on.. like infinity? If we on earth wanted to stop a solar storm. (lets say)...what would we use to reflect it back to where it came. tess
  21. What would one use to change the direction of a wave front at an interface between two media and returns to the medium from which it originated? There are radio waves, UV rays, IR wave, Radar waves, Lazers, even solar rays....... What would you use to refect it back?
  22. why is it that salt breaks ice if you use it in a snow storm to break the ice.
  23. I want to thank some of you, who ever you are. If i never came to this site one late night after suffering from zapps or waves, I would have never realized what was wrong. thanks.
  24. thank you. I just joined a "gang stalking site" I believe it is definately external for what ever reason. tess
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