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Everything posted by templedog

  1. I cant use bearings.... I was thinking maybe if the tip of the rod was diamond and the surface was also made out of diamond. The rod diamond would have to be as sharp as possible? Would it be possible to make a bearing out of diamond? Would it last forever?
  2. What form is the best for the lowest friction if a rod needs to spin horizontally on a flat surface? something like this |----------- ------ = the rod | = the flat surface is there some kind of design that can be etched in them to make the rod turn as easy as possible?
  3. yes, low friction, but if I do it enough, it has to generate a charge over time, I would think. I'm thinking about using Teflon tape as the surface and a glass ball. If it rolled over it a lot, what would happen?
  4. I want the ball to receive as many electrons as possible from the material it rolls on. But I don't know what kind of ball I should use, or what kind of surface. Is there a way to make sure the ball gets a positive charge?
  5. I want to roll a ball (made out of the best material) over a flat surface of some kind to create the most static electricity I can. What material do you think I should use? ___________0_______________
  6. I will hook it up to a machine that will shake the tube up and down. Will I ever run out of electrons ? Would I need the tube be something that can provide more electrons to be pulled to the balls? Does that even make any sense? btw, is there a thin, flexable kind of sheet of metal that the static charge can go through? But still have the ability to bend when hit by a ball?
  7. i was thinking static electricity . but unsure really.
  8. hell yea rubber wont create any electrical charge or heat though....good on the last long part though
  9. I have interactive physics 04. It sucks....I want something better. Any ideas?
  10. If I ram two ball together in a tube to produce some kind of energy when they collide, what material should the balls be made out of? and they need to produce and also survive to collide again....and again and so on....
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