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Everything posted by FreshMadEagr

  1. What about entanglement? The quantum effect? Have anyone managed to measure the speed of this?
  2. Would it be possible to create matter from energy? Like a reversed nuclear reaction? Has it been done? How would it work? I can only assume it would require massive amounts of energy, and would not have any practial near-term applications, but maybe a possibility for propulsion in interstellar space travel in a few thousands of years? Create matter from energy -> gravity pulls spaceship -> Convert matter back to energy -> back to step one
  3. Shit.. But I'm alright, didn't even smell anything. But thanks for telling me Any suggestion on how to increase conductivity in the water without the unfortunate chlorine gas ? Only got one 9V battery here, and nothing besides typical household items.. home with the flu
  4. Hi, I figured I could try making some H2(g) in my kitchen. Who knows when I will need a source of hydrogen gass . I attached a couple of wires to a 9V battery (smoke detector type), and put them into a bowl of water. Nothing happened, so I disolved some salt (I guess I should have used normal NaCl for simplicity, but ended up with a mixure of 50% NaCl, 40% KCl and 10% MgSO4, some health version). Surely, bubbles started to appear. After about 10 seconds the battery was running really hot. At first sight I though it worked as planned, but I could only see bubbles from one of the wires. ??? I tried putting a lighter flame on top of the water but couldn't notice any difference in the flame. But I guess the amount of H2 produced would not be enough for any noticable difference..?? Comments?
  5. Stopping the electron from going into the nucleus.
  6. Hi, I'm in the first year of my materials science bachelor degree. Having learned elementary laws about forces holding atoms together and such, I'm thinking about programming an applications incorporating this and see if I manage to get orbitals similar to what observed. I'm sure this has been done lots of times by lots of people, so any tips before I start is appreciated. Basically, how far will I get by creating a particle based model using electrostatic repulsive/attractive forces (Coulomb's law) and a opposing repulsive force from the nucleus (inverse of cube of distance is it?, haven't learned this yet and don't know what it's called)? As for electrons shielding electrons further out; I guess there must be some kind of "shadow" field. Any pointers on this? Also, pointers on how spin affects electrostatic forces are appreciated. I know this is all newbie stuff, but you have to start somewhere
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