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Everything posted by electricman6913

  1. The best way ive seen for heat is to use a concaved reflitive dish to heat a heat collector using oil as a fluid. The oil can be heated to temps of 500 -700 degrees put in to a storage tank and with a secondary heat exchanger droped to 180 and should keep warm till the sun comes out again.
  2. put a humidifyer in your bed room it will cut down on static. alsp try a fabric softner with static gard next time you wash your sheets.
  3. When a star is said to be five billion LY away is the distance the star has drifted since that light left the star figured in. if not how far would the star really be if drift was accounted for.
  4. Would the edge of space be curved so that we could never reach it.
  5. tempeture is the bigest factor, eddy currents are a small factor. Also alternating magnetic feilds can impead electron flow. when gases become ionized that also changes resistance.
  6. I was wondering since space and time are more dence around massive objects, does matter create space and or time.
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