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About joshthagreat

  • Birthday 12/01/1983

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    Glen Rose Tx.

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I would like to start off by stating that i am not a scientist, i am not currently enrolled in college or have ever attended a college course. That being said i simply had an idea and was wondering if it were possible and/or how would i go about testing the theory. The idea is pretty simple it involves the big bang and inflation. I believe many scientists wonder what was space like before the big bang and what caused it. The thought i had was this, durring "inflation" all of the glaxies are moving away from each other and the center of the universe. As everything moves away from the center a negative pressure is formed. the farther they move away the greater the pressure. Eventually as the universe is spread out over a great distance the negative pressure becomes very great, so great that the fabric of space itself 'which i asume to be like a membrane' tears, releasing matter from an "undetermined location" to equalize the pressure thus creating a new universe to repeat the cycle. I would really like some feedback on this idea so i look forward to your comments.
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