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  1. So it is basic algebraic manipulation, it speaks of? Sorry, i know not much more, i am affraid... i wish there was some texbook, that simply took me through it.
  2. May i see this work...? Electrons certainly could be... according to PhD Brian Greene.... Do you have some conclusive proof to put this guy in his place? There are problems, but there are equallly solutions that make electrons as black holes very suitable.
  3. I am an aussie. Good to meet someone with this kind of humour.
  4. Thank you, mooey, i am not right tonight. But, your help makes feel a bit better. I thought the differential analysis of F=Ma had an inverse relationship, according to my math book...
  5. Well, let's compair dicks then. What is your deal, if you can speak to people in a respectable manner, the way you shun me for, then what is your problem with me... ... do you know that the autistic spectrum is a wide one, never mind how wide your attitude can be with me sometimes? I apologize from my heart, and you hate me for it. Am i not welcome here under these conditions? What conditions are you welcome here? Is it reserved for a certain spectrum...? I know my problems, do you know yours?
  6. It's realy hard to explain sometimes. Only unless, i say, i have had the same responses in real life who don't know my condition, i cannotr reveal much more, than something else sounding almost pathetically-redundant, which reaper seems to want to adopt. And that makes me want to step back. Some are quick to judge, and others don't want to judge at all, and yet stay within their own thoughts and boundaries. I promise in the future, i will not flout what i have learned by ear, unless there is a paper that can scientfiically back it up. I would like to thank someone here, who made me very emotional tonight. His name is phi for all... i thank you sir, for your support and general kindness.
  7. The volume is constant. As in, non-relativistic... Sorry, if this is very abstract. geometry, however, has very little to do with it...
  8. I know, i see it now. I am sorry.
  9. I cry, and i am not kidding. All my life, i have good friends round me, but my problems lead me to the same social constructs, or should i say, destruction?(s) i find myself in nearly every forum i end up in. I cannot communicate in real life, and i find it hard here. I am yet crying again, i took a part away, and now i am back. Another place, called sciforums had a lot of time for me, and even certain members, but eventually, others took hold of me and maybe my disadvantages. but i sware, i will not let it happen again. I will promise, in the future, i will either own up or shut up. I promise. Let this perhaps, be a chance for me to be truthful about my problems in life. Ask anything, seriously; and, swansont, thank you, this makes me very emmotional. Reaper, whatever... God bless the fact maybe one day you may have a child that has this specific autistic spectrum. By the way, it's hard to tell me its not personal. That is one of my problems. I think i know who it is, and god bless them because they know what i have had to put up with, but no, i will not divulge it, but thank you anyway.
  10. DH, i am sorry also. I never meant to act like a real ****.

  11. I am not here to cause arguements, but at best, sometimes, i cause it myself. I know i do.... and this is why, I suffer from a pragmetic disorder that is related to the autistic spectrum. Sometimes this leads me to take, which is rightfully causual to other peoples displeasure of my actions, where i fail to communicate on a level manner. My name is Gareth-Lee Meredith, and i continue to study at a place called James Watt college. I am one of best, or at least, so i have been told, in my physics education, and all i wish is to be part of this community. My disability sometimes can lead me into disarray, and i am left feeling sorry for myself, because i can act like a real ****. I apologize to all today, to the way i acted and the way i acted in the past. I must admit, i have grown, (personally), strong attatchment to some people here, and others (because of my dissibility), i wish to know more about. I love science, but sometimes i do myself no favors. I do no one else favors either, when i have these silly fits, and i end up failing myself ontop of those who have real placements. I only want another chance, and that is all i ask, other than, my humblist apology, to those who stuck up for me, and those i let down, to those who wanted to help me, and i had my fits. I am sorry to derail this place. I can see it is very respectable, and my conscience is playing on me now, and for very good reason. I apologize, to all the moderators, and i apologize for any deception i may have caused, and that which i had. I beg you give me another chance, for i have not more to contribute, but maybe a little, for my own sanity, if you have the heart. Again, if you don't, i will take the hint, i will bug off. Sorry again, and i don't know how else to make it up, to you lot. Gareth-Lee Meredith. I am also sorry about my spelling. This comes part-and-parcel with my disibility, which is semantic pragmatic disorder.
  12. Well, in 1919, Arthur Eddington took pictures of photon energy bedning round the star we call the sun. This bending was seen to be evidence, if not the proof of relativity that the curvature of spacetime was the effect of a distortion in spacetime itself, or the presence of matter, if you will.
  13. He means this part: [math]-k \frac{e^2}{r}[/math] I think???
  14. Good point(s).
  15. It's hard though, to take stuff out of it, perhaps in the context that was meant?
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