I am not here to cause arguements, but at best, sometimes, i cause it myself.
I know i do.... and this is why,
I suffer from a pragmetic disorder that is related to the autistic spectrum. Sometimes this leads me to take, which is rightfully causual to other peoples displeasure of my actions, where i fail to communicate on a level manner.
My name is Gareth-Lee Meredith, and i continue to study at a place called James Watt college. I am one of best, or at least, so i have been told, in my physics education, and all i wish is to be part of this community.
My disability sometimes can lead me into disarray, and i am left feeling sorry for myself, because i can act like a real ****. I apologize to all today, to the way i acted and the way i acted in the past.
I must admit, i have grown, (personally), strong attatchment to some people here, and others (because of my dissibility), i wish to know more about. I love science, but sometimes i do myself no favors. I do no one else favors either, when i have these silly fits, and i end up failing myself ontop of those who have real placements. I only want another chance, and that is all i ask, other than, my humblist apology, to those who stuck up for me, and those i let down, to those who wanted to help me, and i had my fits.
I am sorry to derail this place. I can see it is very respectable, and my conscience is playing on me now, and for very good reason.
I apologize, to all the moderators, and i apologize for any deception i may have caused, and that which i had. I beg you give me another chance, for i have not more to contribute, but maybe a little, for my own sanity, if you have the heart.
Again, if you don't, i will take the hint, i will bug off.
Sorry again, and i don't know how else to make it up, to you lot.
Gareth-Lee Meredith.
I am also sorry about my spelling. This comes part-and-parcel with my disibility, which is semantic pragmatic disorder.