Hey there, I had a dream last night and it ultimately lead me to this website regarding these millions of specks in my vision which I've seen since I was just a young boy. I'm only 21 now so most would definitely consider me still quite young (myself included) and I have much to learn of life still. I do however have a little bit different viewpoint on these little "specks" of light that we are all seeing...and I believe that they are just that. Now, it seems that most people go through their whole lives and don't quite seem to notice them, and there are others that can't not notice them. I totally respect everyone's viewpoints because they all make sense to a certain degree, and each deserve appreciation, respectively. I do however feel that I see them in a different light (pardon the pun). Now, when I start to really focus on them, by either relaxing my eyesight or just trying to concentrate on my peripherals, I found that at first the movement seems completely random. When I just give it a bit of time, they start to follow patterns, and flow seemingly like a flock of birds, one leading the other...on a much larger scale...thousands or perhaps millions of them. This lead me to wonder, " what is causing this movement?". Then something interesting happened to me. As I lay on my bed one day, I look up at the light on the center of my roof, and realized that these specs were flowing away from the light itself...gently streaming away from the source. Could it actually have something to do with seeing a pattern of light? Some move in a linear fashion, and some move (when I don't concentrate on a specific light source) erratically. Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone has something interesting to say about this viewpoint, and thank you all for your time and energy.