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  • Lepton

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  1. lol, yeah the sci fi link was not a good idea
  2. Ok, thanks, just wanted to make sure. So one source of thrust can cause both rotational and translational thrust in this case. I was told without gravity it would only be translational by a misinformed friend in an argument, and there were no specifics given. But perhaps he did mean with a very large amount of thrust as you said 5614. Thanks again
  3. http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue199/labnotes.html Either we can go faster than c, or points are connected in space some how
  4. Ah sorry, lets assume its in interstellar space completely at rest with no other forces acting on it.
  5. Just a little question that has been bugging me, lets say we have a rod, and we have some kind of thrust on one end of it perpendicular to the rod, it will spin about its center of mass right? Having another source of thrust on the other side will make it rotate faster but only one will still get it to rotate...I think. Because 1 side is accelerating and the other is not, or am I really confused here.
  6. Ah but what direction were objects already moving when they received centripedal acceleration? I really don't think there is an outward force (maybe a rod in the ground with something spinning around it, it will feel an outward, but not the thing moving itself)
  7. I know how everybody feels, the stuff I was learning a few years ago was sad, and I bet, in a few years, I will look at this stuff I am doing now and think the same of it
  8. Centrifugal force doesn't exist though right? Well it is not a force, we just call inertia of an object having centripedal acceleration...I think
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