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About jerryshizzle123

  • Birthday 01/05/1992


  • Quark

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  1. I think the chemistry is far too complex and esoteric for anyone here to be familiar with, but in any case this should probably be in the organic chemistry section.
  2. I have a sample of dental gold that I would like to refine using aqua regia. My nitric acid is ~95%, but my hydrochloric acid is of only 20% concentration; is this strong enough to make effective aqua regia, or should I buy some 32% HCl?
  3. Ah, your response was quite helpful. Thanks
  4. I'm trying to refine gold using nitric acid (NOT aqua regia). Will the non-gold components dissolve and leave behind pure gold, or will the fact that it's an alloy somehow prevent the individual components from dissolving?
  5. Is there any way to concentrate dilute nitric acid to its azeotropic concentration of 68% by freezing rather than distillation? That is, would either the water or the azeotrope solidify out, leaving behind the other in liquid form?
  6. Oh, it gets even better. In his response to his first video, he actually isolates the sodium. Link Removed by Moderator due to safety concerns No need to rant about the part at 1:38- we all know it was pretty stupid; aside from that, he was able to extract considerable amounts of sodium metal, which makes the process feasible and places sodium production within the realm of possibility for a citizen chemist. By the way, the pot is most likely stainless steel, making it inert from the reaction.
  7. I never implied that I needed your approval. I don't, however, need to hear sarcasm, especially when it's neither warranted nor accurate.
  8. And I ask, which of the following is the reducer strong enough to react with chlorine violently: K2MnO4, KMnO4, or MnO2? If I recall correctly, they're all oxidizing agents.
  9. If chlorine gas is the only presented hazard, I might as well carry on with the procedure. I've worked with chlorine gas enough to know its properties and how to use it safely. I was implying that some potentially explosive or toxic product would be formed.
  10. Bubbling chlorine through the solution seems like it can be effective (I haven't tried it yet). Can anyone tell me why it is dangerous?
  11. I suppose one could seal about a dozen eggs in a jar and wait for them to rot. Then, all that's left is to reduce the hydrogen sulfide produced with sulfur dioxide.
  12. I have some potassium manganate that I'd like to convert to the permanganate, but so far, every single one of my attempts has failed. I heard about electrolysis of the solution, but all it ended up producing was manganese dioxide. Any suggestions...?
  13. Depends. What are you distilling?
  14. Assuming you mean the fractional distillation of the two salts in solution, boiling will not drive off KCl or NaCl. The distillate will be pure water, and even if it were a solution containing one of the salts, both salts are very soluble in water so filtering would leave you with nothing.
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