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  • Interests
    I study fundamental constants, I have this passion with them you can say.
    I know that the more we study these, perhaps in time we can find more meaning to their consistency which of coarse can explain so many other exciting things about the world and the universe we live, I don't believe in luck though, I believe in creativity.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    quantum science
  • Biography
    Spend most of my time reading about science and love to discover new things about math and other useful areas that can help our world evolve.
  • Occupation
    currently not working

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  1. I am grateful for this forum and have learned incredible things I had no idea of or never even considered, but wow the symbols in equations at this time are very hard to grasp, I do hope in time to be great as professionals here and be able to contribute to the science community. The first step now is getting all the technicals learned, then apply these to my math knowledge that will allow me more productive conversations pertaining to the language of science.

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