I end up getting gastroenteritis at least once a year. I currently have symptoms of gastroenteritis but I'm not sure if that is what is going on this time. I have a broken tooth which has become infected and right after starting antibiotics I began getting these symptoms. The reason why I'm posting is because I'm not sure if it's the infection causing the symptoms or if I have both the infection from the broken tooth and gastroenteritis or if it is all from the infection. I also have a new symptom which doesn't seem to go with either and I'm sorry to post it here but I can't find any answers not even from doctors so maybe someone has an idea. My diarrhea smells like fresh brewed coffee which is odd because I have not had coffee for several weeks because my body doesn't tolerate it very well so I can only drink it on a rare occasion. Any ideas why this would be happening now? It is also a very dark green color with a coffee ground consistency, sorry to be graphic but figured I would add that in case it's important. I have been sick with this for 3 days now and I also have nausea and a severe headache which is only on the right side while the broken tooth is on the left side. I also am extremely tender in the lower back and ribs on my right side. I'm assuming that this is due to the 3 days of diarrhea but also mentioned it in case it's something else.