The Michelson-Morley experiment looked for an absolutely stationary space the Earth moves through. The aether is not an absolutely stationary space. Aether is displaced by particles of matter.
Watch the following video starting at 0:45 to see a visual representation of the state of the aether. What is referred to as a twist in spacetime is the state of displacement of the aether. What is referred to as frame-dragging is the state of displacement of the aether.
The analogy is putting a mesh bag full of marbles into a supersolid and spinning the bag of marbles. If you were unable to determine if the supersolid consists of particles you would still be able to detect the state of displacement of the supersolid.
The supersolid connected to and neighboring the mesh bag of marbles is in the same state throughout the rotation of the bag in the supersolid.
The aether connected to and neighboring the Earth is in the same state, or almost the same state, throughout the Earth's rotation about its axis and orbit of the Sun.
The state of which as determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.
The experiment I am proposing refutes the notions of delayed choice and quantum eraser. If the results of the experiment are as I predict then aetherless quantum mechanics is refuted.
Are you suggesting light waves from distant stars do not propagate through the Milky Way's dark matter halo prior to arriving at the Earth?
"Dark matter cannot be seen directly with telescopes; evidently it neither emits nor absorbs light or other electromagnetic radiation at any significant level."
You are misinterpreting, "it neither emits nor absorbs light" for no interaction. Light waves propagate through the Milky Way's dark matter halo.
'Comment on the higher derivative Lagrangians in relativistic theory'
"The relativistic theory of an Aether was discussed several time, see for e.g. [8], [9]. In this paper, our hypothesis is different and gives a relativistic theory of the deformation of continuous media (for which the geometry is described by the metric field)."
The Milky Way's halo is the deformation of continuous media. The Milky Way's halo is curved spacetime. The Milky Way's halo is evidence of the correctness of relativity. The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.
'Fluidic Electrodynamics: On parallels between electromagnetic and fluidic inertia'
"It is shown that the force exerted on a particle by an ideal fluid produces two effects: i) resistance to acceleration and, ii) an increase of mass with velocity. ... The interaction between the particle and the entrained space flow gives rise to the observed properties of inertia and the relativistic increase of mass. ... Accordingly, in this framework the non resistance of a particle in uniform motion through an ideal fluid (D’Alembert’s paradox) corresponds to Newton’s first law. The law of inertia suggests that the physical vacuum can be modeled as an ideal fluid, agreeing with the space-time ideal fluid approach from general relativity."
The relativistic mass of an object is the mass of the object and the mass of the aether connected to and neighboring the object which is displaced by the object. The faster an object moves with respect to the state of the aether in which it exists the greater the displacement of the aether by the object the greater the relativistic mass of the object.
The relativistic mass of the Milky Way is the mass of the Milky Way and the mass of the aether connected to and neighboring the Milky Way which is displaced by the matter the Milky Way consists of.
The relativistic mass of the Milky Way accounts for the speed at which the matter in the Milky Way moves.