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Everything posted by sheever

  1. I went further with my research (long work) and i was wondering to share some notes here to give more insight to others. I must admit i made a mistake with the holographic principle in a sense while is explains entropy and interactions there is a much deeper foundation we must involve for precise mapping. eventually everything fits together. in a very brief concept: everything is emergent.gravity,space,time ,geometry everything. its consequence of dynamic non local wave fluctuations. past is magnetic memory of the wave function future is the probability of the wave cycle/rate. the electron states are in fact different electron existence of wave form.since their mass very small its highly sensitive against the proton charge and the universal charge of the main function.between the states of the electron these conditions creates a null charge on the cloud (burns out the could) it suppose the wave still exist (but interaction effects the wave)and keep switching the rate influenced by the mass releases and effects the condition (electron pops in out of existence observable) we got time condition observable on larger mass and different wave rate.the full charge or the main charge of the universe is constant decoherence or influental on every mass potential.the interactions weaker the waves overtime. i suggest for amplitude as 0-max-0 in continuity. if you understand this example you understand everything. i give you a little bit of lead on the 3D topology even tough its not the best example but you ll grasp the Geometry Correlation.watch from 5.50 min on the first video for fractal symmetry and 7.40 min. I can provide many references and actually easy to find trough the net. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSyitNgy8hE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6nGiBzGLD8 give you more insight here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxwmBiWjfuw also on the philosophical lead all you need is causality and system function (universe) here is 3 video for you greatly point towards the direction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOdk-u9wTkM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTmt3P05bIY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zosrQYmxL2Y feel free to discuss the topics.Cheers also great paperwork from Charles Lester.I must mention Mark Aaron Simpson works on the electron mapping in the past and great 3D mathematic topology in gauge collaborate with Gregory Dotson. Mark recently working on the Proton Mapping. https://www.academia.edu/723640/Pair_Production_The_Origin_of_Charge_Mass_and_CP_Symmetry relate http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.2865
  2. my interpetation is based on hidden information as Susskind suggest. this according to the holographic principle which is compatible with Copenhagen interpation also with heisenberg interpetation but based on quantum competition as fundamental base and explain wave particle duality.(this explain why Hawking wasnt allowed to be accepted in his equation as information destroyed which is go against the first law of physics)that easily explained with a constant entanglement as Penrose pointed out.this is applies in our daily life instantly. my main point is with based on perception we creates devices we using to measure the effects of this competition and its nonsense to deny the fact all measurement needed the basis in the form of perception so discard this fact is utter nonsense. without perception we have no reference at all that also would mean we are not exist since no reference to localize the reference frame. pls dont start the debate you dont understand what i am saying here. this is absolute logical and aplies in your every day life and its consequence of you able to define you re exist its fundamental. the chance of i am right the same is i am wrong.so nothing is fact. if there is an underlay core exist as the holographic principle suggest its just explain the effect or the consequence of the structure not the core itself.your consideration as its the whole picture also can fail at any point.
  3. ok
  4. you know exactly.
  5. Dimensions can be run on 2 D Surface. It doesn't mean it's 3 D. Even tough is a model of the perception. Categorical space and time is just a concept with no real existence. We already ponder this. Just wonder just imaging what could be achievable using another form to fit into physics . may take away hidden boundaries just as qm was able to evolve so rapidly compare to classical physics
  6. Thanks for your answer I think you just described the issues I pointed. May I ask how would you think would be effected our general physic in a case would occur as there is no dimensions nor geometry? Thanks
  7. information is any kind of reference but holographic principle according to the format as "bits" if you wish in mathematical description.. in a general base any kind of information is reference to your frame or to your measurement. interaction is any kind of communication form. yes i guess the precise definitions is the hard case for me. thats why i meant to attach the video as reference because its precise enough.it contains the problem I have a trouble with and see nothing but contradictions and oppositions between classical physics and quantum physics. I think physics in general need a revolution and even suggest to define a "momentary first law of nature" which is has enough freedom to fitt things into without trouble and may define as effect as the present situation not surely make the picture cleaner but causing more opposition or scrumble.in my oppinion the smaller scale dictates the large regarless what our perception is.QM need more attention and to be more accepted.
  8. basic principle how i see is interaction and information.everything else can be anything but may not what you percieve and especially not fundamentally.so altough yes its one of the most important thing to making progress to find answers but addressed problems need to be taken serious but not ignored
  9. "There is a fundamental difference, though. In a classical case, you could, in principle, know what path I took, and not materially change the outcome of where I end up. If, for example, you put up a wall with two doors in it, you could detect which door I went through, and I could go to the same final destination. That's not true in the quantum case. If you don't detect the path, there is interference, and there are a number of different destinations possible." absolutely there is obvious difference between the example and what the principle but the uncertainity present in the case i provided as well even on a daily basis.my example represent the problem of what observation can be taken fully legit as you see without certain amount of information. so observation or any type of mesurement to be precise requires certain amount of information.I am not saying it doesnt show a temporary result or even more measurement can provide similar results but as the science proven what they got not the answer but more question.thats also a straight forward consequence of information-interaction-entanglement situation.simply because there is never less information can be created trough interaction than was before . thanks for your thought Swansont.sorry about my english again,anyway if you have time the last 6 minutes on this Penrose lecture just nail what i try to express here.
  10. because I refer to the holographic principle and to an information based structure. if you dont understand then i am sorry.cant express any better. if someone understand hopefully will comment on.
  11. thanks for your answer, during my research I found countless problems and yet not found any explanation. the uncertainity principle is very easyily demonstrated here: Lets look at a MAP.you are the subject on the map.I make a measurement of your position.then leave you alone for a while.any point later i measure your position again while you do all your daily buisiness (if you move at all but another probability factor) it seemed wherever you are you poped out from nothing since i couldnt measure the route you took.hardly predictible. another case when i measure you for a specific period of time and see you moving but not known your starting nor the ending location. now convert this to the quantum level where no route and nothing else give me basicly any reliable point to refer to then the situation perfectly make sense. there are two fundamental elements requires to create circumstances measure at all can be taken. 1. any form of information 2.any type of interaction. one reference to the other and actually in a sense is the same thing. these two driven by a force not yet taken on account.because there is a COMPETITION running in the background to create any condition. as Penrose said atom is instable and the entanglement is also applicable at any level in any second.entanglement is an instabil situation but what i suggest it doesnt require self collapse as Penrose pointed out as well because even each or any observation collapse any wave function it STILL REMAIN IN ENTANGLEMENT. Crucial to understand this detail because it drive and effect every other interaction and drive much more competition.thats where from probability comes and while the information doesnt necessary give straight forward result PREDICTION requires to reduce the possibilities of the combination. a single apple contains the whole universe as long as the information accessable to trace back its origin.so the information altough HIDDEN still remain in superposition for later measurement. when you start specify your apple not by size but where from it came you can go back to its seed also it grew on earth and earth contains the information of the universe.but in all cases requires the interaction. just like when you drive home and lets say i slice up your journey to small frames if i change one single frame for blank you never get home.because the route indictaes all the information required to observe in detail or depth. I suggest any sense we measure with its the exact same observation.in 2 dimensional image yes allows not having space nor time as doesnt requires any dimension at all.its also explain while your reference frame always the same. Math and equations are AGREED form of a language which is created by our OWN MEASUREMENT to explain effect and DENY its origin and shout that out its the universal language. measuring something by your own favour is NOTHING but represent your own level of understanding.just as miles convertible to kilometres based on a favour towards just the sake of difference and you can call sausage rolad or however you wanna call as long as you can find a converter between any form of information or integrate one into the other. so conculsionary scientific language altough great to not being totally Dumb whats going around us but can be wrong and fool who taken everything as fact without question its origin and the cause but rather looking the effect only and trying to pretend thats nothing but the truth. this problem has serious consequences in all further scientific growth as rely on agreements bu still used the same choosen language but shows the working equations are simply rejected because compatibility problems while seriously point IT SHOULDNT BE ANY CONFLICT IF THE STRUCTURE SO RELIABLE IN ITSELF. sorry for my english
  12. In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle known as complementary variables, such as position x and momentum p, can be known simultaneously. this is forexample absolute basic common sense no need to be at quantum level because its happen in every second as we percieve. I can easily illustrate. "It must be emphasized that measurement does not mean only a process in which a physicist-observer takes part, but rather any interaction between classical and quantum objects regardless of any observer.[8]" MAJOR point! Penrose says much better as my english doesnt reach standard level. I question Relativity in this term and would like any of your answer of the reason why classic physics ignore QM for the sake of saving its ass. cheers
  13. It addresses contradictions In physics can't explain just like regardless how you try to avoid your own effect as observer in the measurement because it impossible. As long as you have any information interest with the subject you collapse the wavefunction while you trying to put yourself out of the measurement as independent.. nonsense!!! Schrodinger case shows all wavefunction collapse and not in the same time depends on what you decide to observe but because the competition stays in entanglement all other possibilities also still applies for another observation. Simplify it everything is is measured from certain reference frame which is effect not only the information itself but all interaction or following measurement. He point on this perfectly. "The EPR paper, written in 1935, was intended to illustrate that this explanation is inadequate. It considered two entangled particles, referred to as A and B, and pointed out that measuring a quantity of a particle A will cause the conjugated quantity of particle B to become undetermined, even if there was no contact, no classical disturbance. Heisenberg's principle was an attempt to provide a classical explanation of a quantum effect sometimes called non-locality. According to EPR there were two possible explanations. Either there was some interaction between the particles, even though they were separated, or the information about the outcome of all possible measurements was already present in both particles. The EPR authors preferred the second explanation according to which that information was encoded in some 'hidden parameters'. The first explanation, that an effect propagated instantly, across a distance, is in conflict with the theory of relativity." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPR_paradox save yourself some time watch the last 6 minutes.
  14. Yes Roger. Perfectly point on what issue need to be solved to unify physics
  15. if space and time is an issue then I have an issue with the whole equation as those two is fundamental element. Time not observable.Space also.zero dimensional information strucure (bits) doesnt require any of this elements to create image of 3 dimension.
  16. so does not relate to the topic? addresses problems regarding the question.you dont need to watch but may someone interested.
  17. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/newton-stm/
  18. thats why these conflicts appears i think.to me seems it would required a better relationship between that two represented by those scientist responsible for the results..it could lead to a unified theory of everything simple is that there is no 2 nature of physics rules everything.the results or the impact ot the nature of physics is the 2 measurable differences.if ther is an issue even to decide space and time exist or not because its conflict then regardless of what is the momentary accepted version the other also appeared for a reason.
  19. exactly.Susskind and the other 3 fella tried to convience Hawking to give up on his equation and He wasnt really pleased as not Susskind nor others couldnt deny his equation is correct. so how you explain whos right and whats correct.its relative and physics simply ignore quantum mechanics as it did already in Einstein time as the question is not natural anymore but moral. quantum mechanics applicable on large scale as well and unlike classic physics count with probabilty as recognize a background porcess as a form of quantum competitions. this is a joke,and there will not be any unified theory in the soon future what could cover everything because similar thinkers sitting behind the curtain like you are.because non of you working on the solution but trying to cover their ideal.
  20. really?just because you believe in it it doesnt mean is not confict with other subjects.Hawking made his equation where the information destroyed and went against the first law of physics without He even consider what it cause.so you trying to convience whats legit and what doesnt? or would you call Hawking an idiot just because thinking outside of YOUR BOX? not an open nor a closed universe doesnt reqire space and geometry.its nicely presented in this essay. Besides her there are many who is into Quantum gravity and point on the same problem such as problem of the observer also the observation,time and space.this is fundamental question it shouldnt be even any conflict while Newton has tons of headeche because of this problem.he puted aside and since him no one ever went back to the problem in depth to solve. to actually realize this problem not even PHD required.but as the example shows physicist yes pointing out what has been always problem since Newton http://www.fqxi.org/data/essay-contest-files/Markopoulou_SpaceDNE.pdf
  21. it has to be wrong to have so many conflict with other areas http://youtu.be/vOrvVTFKDUA
  22. it also possible you re just dead right (theory) now and create your illusion of this life used by fractions of information as memory...... anyhow I sort of suggested that already the universe frozen because I believe its in constant superpositioning with no self collapse as wave particle duality and everything else in it also exist in superposition.as your reference frame always the same then lets say your position is constant zero dimensional.that means there is no time nor space.
  23. +1.and those ones are reflections thats why can change by other observation
  24. I wouldnt came to this direction if i dont research quantum mechanics and if there is no any suggestion can be linked to the idea. I think looking more subject just like human behaviour also suggest foundation for quantum mechanics.even its not simple math.there are definetely links into everything.
  25. everything contains informations.behind the informations there different meaning that creates different beliefs.top of this you re do nothing but self reflect. when you love someone you dont love the person actually.you love the image of the person (based uppon they action or however this image coming for you) you created in your mind and so on you love yourself.same with hatred and all other things.everything is internal.fact is that on top of all this you always observe what you want and make yourself playing a victim of life give you the biggest illusion of all. when you try to understand me you actually understand your way of understanding of me.but you have no other reference than your understanding of yourself. one thing certainly not an illusion and that is you exist as a self.everything else is part of the theatre you to experience yourself. I work on this topic and how I see whats happen is there is you and everything else which is also you.if there is any proof of that in quantum mechanics as i claim as your position is zero dimensional since your reference frame always the same it will may lead to that you never move in your life anywhere but stay on the same spot and hallucinate you whole life as an illusion. if you have no senses (and non locality)but you had any information access to any experience as memory you build up the same life in many possible way as you want without actually moving ever at all. so in other words you dream or you may are dead still conscious.you cant refer to whats is unconscious because you have to be conscious to know that.just like you know you re always existed because you have no reference to anything else you cant remember your birth nor your death you just see it happen around you. I think the information source as reference and the observation as reference frame has to be one and the same.
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