At the website below, I show that the Feynman Path Integral can be derived from logical considerations alone. From a conjunction, I derive a logical version of the path integral. The conjunction is expressed in terms of material implication. And implication is mapped to the Dirac measure that returns 1 if an element is included in a set and zero otherwise. This is used to map conjunction to multiplication and disjunction to addition. And when the gaussian form of the Diric delta function is used to implement implication, the exponentials add to form the Feynman path integral of quantum mechanics. It is seen then that the wavefunction is a mathematical expression of implication, that the probability of the Born rule is a math expression for a conjunction of an implication with it's conjugate, and that potentials are a means of weighting various implications. The process can also be iterated to give 2nd and 3rd quantization, from QM to QFT and beyond. And the symmetries of the Standard Model also appear out of this iteration process. This is a work in progress, and I would certainly appreciate your comments. See details at: