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Everything posted by nec209

  1. A good video on why So Much Suffering in the World? Life is suffering I can think of the cold or flu as Suffering or side effect of medication. videos deleted as rule 2.7 violation
  2. A surge in cases of the flu-like human metapneumovirus (HMPV) in China has raised fears of another Covid-style pandemic. Images of hospitals overrun with masked patients have circulated widely on social media, but health experts say HMPV is not like Covid https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c23vjg7v7k0o Here we go again other Covid like outbreak.
  3. Why do these animals do this? Are they just play fighting or are they fighting for dominance? Is that what they do in their pack the head of the pack show who is dominance? If she puts parts of him in her mouth would that show dominance? Yea bitting but not bitting down. That danger of owning it has pet as they wiled. https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/s/IH5r7SuviO
  4. If you look this in China yuan cancer treatment cost it is yuan 21,000 for bladder cancer and yuan 39,527 for lung cancer and yuan 33,376 for stomach cancer. That is yuan 21,000 is $2,863.95 and yuan 39,527 is $5,390.64 and yuan 33,376 is $4,551.77. So if you covert much cheaper in US dollars and the most expensive lung cancer. Average costs for cancer treatments in public hospitals in China in 2021, by type of cancer So if you look at that in China they not making much money of cancer treatment. Where in the US it like three times of buying car or more.
  5. Other thing is lot of other countries healthcare is way cheaper than the US. Where the US is most expensive in the world and per GDP the US spends most on healthcare despite out control healthcare cost and no state run healthcare. This may be big incentive for profit treatment in the US. Where countries like South Korea, Japan and China healthcare may be dirt cheap there and doctors get paid less than what they would be working in the US so is scientist there working getting way less than what they would working in the US and so this may be why the government spends so little money if doctors and scientist don’t get much money and chemotherapy is really cheap there. There may not lot of money to be made there per profit so there is less of incentive for treatment or research.
  6. In 2009 Pfizer plead guilty to misbranding a drug with intent to defraud or mislead, bribing doctors and suppressing adverse trial results. Pfizer was required to pay a settlement of $2.3 Billion to the Department of Justice, the 2nd largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice. Pfizer has paid over $10 billion in settlements for offenses like unapproved promotion of medical products, equipment safety and environmental violation, false claim and foreign corrupt practices. Scott Gottlieb is a former FDA Commissioner and is currently a board member for Pfizer. In the past 40 years, 9 of the 10 FDA Commissioners have worked for pharmaceutical companies after leaving the FDA. Reuter is the company responsible for the fact checking on Twitter and Facebook. Jim Smith is the Chairman of Reuters Foundation and also a board member for Pfizer. The only FDA approved treatment for covid is Remdesiver. Pfizer has an agreement with Gilead, the owners of Remdesiver to manufacture the drug. Pfizer makes large contributions to mainstream media outlets like CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC. Everything I’ve just stated is 100% factual and can be easily verified via a quick google search or links provided below 👇 https://www.cincinnatieye.com/about-cei/clinical-research/who-pays-for-clinical-trials/ https://www.theguardian.com/science/2011/may/20/drug-companies-ghost-writing-journalism https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/pfizer https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/07/03/elizabeth-warren-tells-scott-gottlieb-resign-pfizer-board/1637789001/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/qz.com/1656529/yet-another-fda-commissioner-joins-the-pharmaceutical-industry/amp/ https://www.reuters.com/article/business/reuters-launches-fact-checking-initiative-to-identify-misinformation-in-partner-idUSKBN2061SO/ https://www.weforum.org/people/james-c-smith/ https://www.pfizer.com/people/leadership/board_of_directors/james_smith https://www.science.org/content/article/very-very-bad-look-remdesivir-first-fda-approved-covid-19-drug https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-announces-agreement-gilead-manufacture-remdesivir https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/10/19/montage_pfizer_sponsors_news_abc_cbs_nbc_cnn.html
  7. You said there is lot of corruption in Argentina and Venezuela can you elaborate on that?
  8. The pharma industry is responsible for the pricing of so-called “niche” generic drugs, whose suppliers exploit weak competition and regulation to hike prices On top of this you have evergreening whereby pharma drugs continually have their patents renewed due to small formula changes etc, and the vast majority of drugs fall in to this category. The pharma industry is not really that interested in doing that much research in to rare types of cancer which are not going to create much drug sales, and if they do put money in to research it will usually only in relation to where they think the most profit can be generated. In reality many pharma companies spend more on advertising than they do on research, and in reality a lot of the specialist cancer research is the remit of medical research money awarded via the Government, Charities and Academic Institutions, although some times a pharma or bio-tech company may become a research partner in the off chance that they can reap any rewards, whilst some research institutions have created their own bio-tech research spin off companies. The same is true in relation to research, which is often not shared, and can lead to a lot of money wasted on duplication, and in terms of pharma companies they are obviously not going to share much with other rival companies or reveal a lot of their research full stop.
  9. Yea the countries GDP may be better way to look at it than population. The US is 29 and Germany is 4.7 and Japan and India is 4. So if Japan and India is 4 and that means the US is 7 times bigger than Japan or India. So if they spend 4% that be 28% if their GDP was big as the US. The UK is 3.5 that means the US is 8 times bigger per GDP would be 28. The US still spends most per GDP on cancer research than second in line is the UK. China is pathetic they hardly spend any thing.
  10. What is the cause of inflation? Did Argentina and Venezuela not have out of control inflation? I thought countries like Argentina and Venezuela had out of control inflation? What cause the inflation in Argentina and Venezuela. I hear today there still high inflation in Argentina and Venezuela and it is not coming down but getting worse.
  11. Is it cancer rates lower in China and Japan unlike the UK and the US?
  12. I guess it is a trade off in the US if you are sick or dying it cost lots of money for treatment and the US does not have universal healthcare so it cost lot of money so big incentive for drug research. Well other countries if you sick or dying it is dirt cheap for treatment or the government pays for your treatment in universal healthcare. So not big incentive to drug research.
  13. The problem with stem cell treatment or organ transplants? The problem with stem cell treatment or 3D organ printing. Could 3D printing be the future of organ transplants? - BBC News https://youtu.be/IUx_vkB3PFc?si=vgAQZnhd5n6Q7EUv What’s really blocking the development of stem cells and tissue engineering is the fact that it is impossible to sell them profitably in a country where you have to spend $1 billion and 15 years of time to get government approval to sell it at all, and then it has to be paid for by an insurance company or government payer rather than the consumer. So the reality is, these things aren’t going to come to the market until there is a societal level change in what we expect the government to do for us. That isn’t likely to happen for generations. Do you really want corporations or governments owning parts of your body?
  14. Why does the US spend massive and massive about of money on cancer research compared to Japan, South Korea, Singapore, China and Taiwan? If you look at this https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(23)00182-1/fulltext Well than China is 4%, Japan is 4%, UK is 9%, USA is whopping 57% From the article 57% of all cancer research funding comes from the US. So not sure why the US is so high compared to other countries and why those countries are so low. According to this, the US accounts for more than half of recent cancer funding, with China and Japan just under 5% https://ascopost.com/news/june-2023/global-funding-for-cancer-research-2016-2020/ That is so odd I wonder if the reason the US spends so much more money on cancer research is because the lobbyist is so much more massive in the US the pharmaceutical companies and universities are so massive in the US and are lobbying the government to spend money on cancer research. Where those other countries only have a handful of pharmaceutical companies and universities unlike the US that has hundreds of pharmaceutical companies and universities. But again some one could ask why those countries have only handful of pharmaceutical companies and universities?
  15. I know most all medication have side effects but why is that the case. I thought medication works similar to lock and key analogy it binds to that receptor. If that the case why do most all medication have side effects.
  16. Do you think there is going to be less money going to science and medical research now because of Trump? NASA and the Military normally gets more money under republicans than Democratic Party.
  17. Is it most those similar political parties Trump clones starting up in Canada, UK and Europe in upcoming election there more centrist not so far right like Trump but more centrist party? They are mostly centrist party or left centrist with strict border closing and stoping immigration there. I don’t think they are racist or sexist like Trump or want to ban abortion or LGBT like Trump they think if they close the border and stop immigration and start making things in their country that things get better. Where Trump is racist and sexist and says racist and sexist all the time also Trump being anti abortion and anti LGBT. Do they say sexist and racist things all the time like Trump? Do they pass laws making it only white man can get jobs? Is darker skin, darker eyes and hair look down on there?
  18. What does second term of Trump mean for the US now? What caused the US polar shift vote where political shift moved to the far right and MAGA movement is where the US is at now. I see some similar political parties starting up in Canada, UK and Europe in upcoming election there but they not so far right like Trump. They are mostly centrist party or left centrist with strict border closing and stoping immigration there. But Trump seem more hard core conservatives and ultra far right so the US voting block has moved to hard core conservatives and ultra far right views now. I also don't see abortion or LGBT being thing in Canada, UK and Europe like it is in the US now where Trump brought it out of the closet in the open now.
  19. Well is the money drying up now? Are countries today spending money on drugs and treatment for Covid? Is the US spending millions or billions each year on Covid?
  20. If you look at Wikipedia Nirmatrelvir and Remdesivir are older drugs that came out in 2020 the same with Paxlovid. They both have side effects so I can see the article why they are talking about newer drugs. So if it not harder to make second generation drugs than why was it so fast to bring out first generation drugs and there is no second generation drugs now.
  21. You posted. The link you posted shows it harder to make second generation drugs.
  22. I tried to post second post to not confuse what I found on the internet but it will not allow me so I highlight it blue. What do you mean that second generation anti viral drugs are harder to make?
  23. Two studies find SARS-CoV-2 virus becoming resistant to antiviral drugs used to treat patients Two studies have found that the virus that causes COVID-19 is becoming resistant to two drugs used to treat patients with infections. As part of that effort, two such therapies, named remdesivir and nirmatrelvir, have become the go-to drugs for patients with immune systems that are not capable of fighting off the virus. But because they are antivirals, they run the risk of obsolescence as the virus mutates. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-09-sars-cov-virus-resistant-antiviral.html ================ It is strange how first two years of the pandemic there was lots of talk into anti viral drugs and now there is no talk at all. I just check wikipedia under treatment every month and I don’t see any new anti viral drugs. Not even experimental drugs and treatments. Has founding for covid really dried up now?
  24. Well yes but is there any examples of what the GOP said that was racist or sexist?
  25. People say the GOP is really racist and sexist probably more than Trump. What do people mean the GOP is saying really racist and sexist comments. And why do they say they more racist and sexist than Trump?
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