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Everything posted by nec209

  1. These videos explain how the bail industry works.
  2. I think you are talking about the human rights issue where the system that keeps people in jail, sometimes for YEARS, without trial simply because they can't afford to post bond. Where it greatly incentives people especially the poor!! to plead guilty to crimes not because they are actually guilty but because they can't afford to post bail and will end up sitting in jail for YEARS without trial. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-cost-of-convicting-the-innocent/2015/07/24/260fc3a2-1aae-11e5-93b7-5eddc056ad8a_story.html So the upper middle class and people that have money will not need bail bond industry to help bond out!! They will use there own money. But I think what he was getting at is some bond is set so high even the upper middle class don't have that money. Where bond is really only for the upper class and rich. And the working class and poor have to use the bail bond industry. Probably more appealing for the homeless in colder cities. If you in southern part of US you not going to freeze and get froze bites most of the time. Most southern US cities don't get below 35 fahrenheit or below 1 celsius most of the time in the winter. And lot times doing the day up around 12 Celsius or 53 fahrenheit.
  3. Is that not for what the bail bond is for? If you don't have the money to bond out your self than you get mail bond to bond you out? And you pay 10% or 20% of what they ask for?
  4. Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman and his wife Beth are ending their hit show Dog and Beth: On the Hunt in an attempt to save the bail industry, which is under attack nationwide. http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/dog-bounty-hunter-ending-show-87099 It seems the TV show Dog the Bounty Hunter and Dog and Beth On the Hunt are making conservatives hate the bail industry!!! And conservatives what to kill the bail industry!! Why? Because they say it makes it too easy for the bad guys to get out of jail. The conservatives hate the bail industry!!! That it is too easy for the bad guys to get out of jail.
  5. You never should of got into bioscience these days. The market is massively flooded with people wanting jobs in biotech companies or pharmaceutical companies. Everyone is is taking biology and chemistry and into the bioscience stuff these days. Really should of gone into being a doctor, nurse or specialist or professor. Way too many people getting into this line of work these days. More people than there is market and jobs. I think you are going to have very hard time findng a job these days in that filed.
  6. How do you disprove people who believe in these pseudoscience stuff? Scientists Discovered Message from God in Human DNA Code!! Humans with Superpowers!! Some of my coworkers are starting to believe some of these pseudoscience. I normaily say if it does not make big news like CNN and only on youtube or a web site it is pseudoscience.
  7. That asking if IQ play part of say personality traits. This may be more of mistmach with people with average IQ but may be people with higher IQ do opposite. For the most part people here at scienceforums seem to have higher IQ and into reading books, novels, really interested in science , math and intellectual learning. Well than there some people where their IQ is just so high that they lock them self up in their room and have no friends and get cought up in their work. So called centric people. The interest become obsessive and over working that one problem or task they doing and have no clue out side of that task or problem what happing around them. It normilay easer to have friends and get long in life if your IQ is average or above average. But really high IQ above 120 and really much so above 130 you look at the world different and people different and most things you hate that other people really like.
  8. You will destroy your knees unless you run on grass. The human body is not built to run on pavement.
  9. IQ Classifications in Educational Use. http://www.assessmentpsychology.com/iqclassifications.htm Very Superior above 130 Superior 120 to 129 High Average 110 to 119 Average 90 to 109 Low Average 80 to 89 Borderline 70 to 79 Extremely Low 69 Well it is obvious it will require skilled person doing the test to see what the person IQ is and a skilled person could pick up the difference. How many points does it have to be before it becomes obvious to non skilled person the general public to pick it up? Some one 72 with some one say 96 would NOT tell the difference? But some one 72 with some one 110 would tell the difference? And some one 72 with some one 110 would have hard time getting long or having anything in common? Most likely they would be fighting with one other? If your IQ is at 110 and you stop some one on the street at 15 to 20 point difference will NOT tell you they have a low IQ? But 30 to 40 point difference you can tell? Low IQ person. Is this more obvious of IQ below 90 or below 80? A greater belief in the unproven and/or unproveable, including conspiracy theories. A tendency towards blinder (non-skeptical) belief in general. A lesser degree of intellectual curiosity. Less appreciation of fine arts. Don't know much about the world or what is going on around them. Hate to read books and hardly read if ever. Fascination with reality TV than reading book or doing any thing where you have to use your brain or is intellectual. Complaining that other people use "big words" Have a small working memory so have difficulty with multi-step tasks, instructions, procedures and recalling events. Hate science and math Not into reading and learning. Do not do well in school. It is realy hard to be friends with someone in school or on job with lower IQ they are so different and we have nothing in common?
  10. Astronomers Have Discovered a Super-Fast Star System That Seems to Break Current Physics Models http://futurism.com/astronomers-discovered-super-fast-star-system-seems-break-current-physics-models/ Anyone here got any ideas what could be doing this? Or is there some thing wrong with the understanding of physics
  11. Why? Becuse to be nurse you have to be really smart. When you walk into ER complaining of symptoms it is the triage nurse that will decide if you see doctor now or in 8 hours from now. It also nurse in the ER or other parts of hospital that will check on you time to time and say yep this person getting worse needs to see doctor now than later. In my hospital nurse have even order blood work and ultrasound on family member in ER waiting to see ER doctor. Than waiting to see the ER doctor than the ER doctor ordering it than waiting more. You also can't get into nursing school with out high school math, science and chemistry. That means a high school diploma or GED will not allow you to get into nursing school. If you don't take all your high school math, science and chemistry you will not get into nursing school. And well yes there are some dumb nurses and doctors like any job you would think most them would be smarter than most people. These are not nurses these are personal care worker nurse that feed you, wash you, take you to the bathroom and clean every thing up.
  12. What do you mean by verbal reasoning. I thought most nurses have really high IQ.
  13. That is strange why did nurses score so low? :eek: I don't understand why nurses score very slow. You would think most of them would be really educated and smart than most people.
  14. So it just way of only getting smart people for the job? And people that lack basic education do not get job. If you do bad in math, sciance ,history and English you do not get the job?
  15. So test be on math, sciance ,history and English. But would some one with only elementary school vs high school vs college effect the test different? Rapid problem solving can only be done if such a person had a education. You can't do high school math if you never gone to high school. Now if test is on what you know vs how smart you are there is a difference? If two people that have same eduaction but one does better at rapid problem solving than the other that is very different of what person got eduaction when they where young or not. May be just way to see if you gone to college or not. Some one gone to college will do better on math, sciance ,history and English than some never gone to high school.
  16. So it more how well you problem solving skills are on job? Than IQ test? How you can fit into the job and do work well? Why are Nurse and Electrician 23? And Chemist 31, Electrical engineer 30, Engineer 29, A Secretary 24, A Investment analyst 27, http://psychologia.co/wonderlic/
  17. From what I understand the republican party and conservative Americans people are experiencing culture shock of liberal sociaty in the US!!! So this pushes them more to right every year. So every election conservative agenda becomes more cult than political ideology. This is why every election conservative become more silly like and more extreame views. This why the conservative party will never and I say never now just run for election and say vote for me you get a small government and lower tax money!! The republican party must dumbed down election every time and pass silly laws that would never got pass in the 90's. Like LGBT must use own bathroom, allowing businesses to NOT surve LGBT, 3-stike laws yes even on misdemeanor offense, more street camaras, more prisons,allowing out of control police, border problem and more war happy so on. This why Trump is more silly like and strange than Bush. Bush was a hard conservative but he would never say or do stupid things. Next election there be other person like Trump with even more extreame views and silly like. Now to the point why US election come across like nothing more than silly, angry and drunk politicians yelling at bar!! Look at election in the UK and Canada than the US it is very different. The US is dumbing down election so much it to point of silly.
  18. Sorry what things are you see in sociaty that is really feminist today? Females playing video games, females in army, females that are cops?
  19. What does it say? If you the right person for the job? How does test score say if you the right person for the job? Some jobs have the Wonderlic test and other jobs do not? The so called Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test they call it.
  20. Michael Moore almost died. Got pneumonia was in ICU. http://www.salon.com/2016/02/10/michael_moore_could_have_died_last_week_trying_to_get_back_to_just_breathing_is_enough_of_a_burden/ How could some one this young get pneumonia? People that get pneumonia are old people and people with weaken immune system. And people in hospital or nursing home are more likely to get it The public normaily do not get pneumonia same with young people. How could this be? Could be that being overweight and a sedentary lifestyle have some thing to do with it? Or that he has other health problems?
  21. Yea from my understanding even if the machine can see in color the human body does have color like what you see in illustrations text books. A x-ray tech would put in false color for illustrations. These are false colors added to x-ray by tech after the scan https://sustainablefortbragg.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/pleural-plaque-color-x-ray.jpg http://www.medicalmediaimages.com/securedownload/display-images/00130-master-5.jpg http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/articles/health_tools/ulcerative_colitis_slideshow/princ_rm_photo_of_ulcerative_colitis_xray.jpg They do to make illustrations better for people learning about the human body and the public to understand. They take x-ray black and white than the x-ray tech ads in the color. Where the article say the machine puts in the color not that the machine see the human body in color, it just puts in false color automatically? Making it eaer for the public and doctors to read scan with out specialist. Speding things up and keeping the cost down.
  22. Sex, gambling and junk food can be addicting to some people leading to bankruptcy, no job, HIV, obesity and crime. But hard drugs like cocaine and crack can lead to crime to supports one habit but they make you body sick aka withdraws. Where addiction of Sex, gambling and junk food person head their is no withdraws. A herion addict withdraws is worse than cold or flu. Smoking (nicotine ) is almost is addcting has herion!!!! But does not have the horrible withdraws. Smoking pot can be really addictiing to some people but does not have bad withdraws like the hard drugs. The theory why bad stuff taste good like junk food is evolution, sugar and salt like greasy foods was almost in possible to get in nature. People evolved of the land base on plant food!! Like apes eating fruit and vegetables. Meat was hard to come by and sugar and salt was very hard to come by. Base on human survival of evolution the human body needed very littile sugar and salt. These foods taste good becuse they hard to find in nature. Now with modern world we have more sugar and salt than is needed for centuries.
  23. There is no drug out there that targets obesity. I hear in the next 5 to 10 years there may be some drugs that look good and could enter clinical trials.
  24. So not having tech add the artificial colors the machine ads the artificial colors after the scan? Faster and speeds things up doing it this way?
  25. Well some people say it could be the food we eat or that we live longer now and so people are getting cancer. Say in the past people would only live to their mid 30's and now people live to they are in their 70's and 80's and are getting cancer. But it does not explain why some people in their 30's and 40's ge cancer.
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