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Everything posted by nec209

  1. But looking at that there seems to be conservative libertarian and liberal libertarian from what it seems not really explaining the two.
  2. How does the political compass work? So I gone to the political compass web site to see how Biden compares to Obama and it is saying Biden is bit more to the left than than Obama and bit more libertarian. https://politicalcompass.org/images/uscandidates2008.png But looking at this it is also saying Ronald Reagar is more to right than Trump but two or three points more libertarian than Trump. https://i.imgflip.com/3wuzn9.jpg But the other web site is showing Bush more the right than Trump. So how does this political compass work? It seems broken down where libertarian at the bottom and dictatorship at the top and right and left government.
  3. I think it's that if you try to measure the location of an electron, it will change to a different location. To measure the location you need photons but the photon will bounce off the electron and the electron will be in a different location and so the measurement is not correct anymore.
  4. The Heisenberg's uncertainty is saying if you are trying to measure something on quantum level the measurement process itself interferes with the object you are measuring and increasing the error in the measurement.
  5. Here is a new study on quantum tunneling Physicists watch quantum particles tunnel through solid barriers. Here's what they found. https://www.livescience.com/quantum-tunneling-observed-and-measured.html
  6. So any exposure to violence is bad? Seeing people fight, parents fighting, neighbor fighting, people fighting at school, violence in movies or TV or violence in video games. And exposure to this the person is more likely to be violent and get in trouble with violent crimes.
  7. I think in the context of this thread we are talking about bigger crimes than crimes that just may be social taboo crimes. Crimes like robbery, burglary, assault, rape, car jacking, stealing, theft or shoplifting is very universal and these crime can be put into two groups like property crime and violent crimes. Crimes like public loitering, drinking in public, littering , parking in no parking zone, gambling, sex and drugs so on are more social taboo crimes that may be legal or not legal in some areas. But property crimes and violent crimes are universal crimes and are the biggest factor in large prison population and repeat offenders. One of the posters above said when kid growing up has exposure to family fights, domestic violence and people fighting the kid grows up being violent. Be it the kid learns and thinks this is okay to do or some how it has an effect on the brain and the kid that grows up the brain cannot understand right from wrong. So not sure what is going on here on the brain.
  8. Wow I did not know that. But is most of the public and court system going to have the knowledge about these studies? Or are they just going to say they are bad person or devil person? That is problem when courts are made up of non doctors and Scientists. So How can this be fixed? I’m not sure if they would made up 1% of people in jail or 70% of people in jail. Unless one can map the person brain to see if there is any brain abnormalities or the brain is just wired different. If it confirmed these people may have very hard time not doing crime or it may be impossible not to do crime. And again not sure if they would make up 1% or 70% of people in jail. Same thing with chemical imbalance.
  9. Have a look at the experiments carried out when particles are fired at a card with 2 slits , even when just 1 particle is fired at a time you STILL build up an interference pattern on the other side and this can ONLY happen when 1 particle interferes with another!! BUT you only fired 1 particle at the card - so where did the other particle come from? Problem is- when you try to see what happened you do NOT get the interference pattern😲
  10. Well the start of the thread was what can cause crime and the topic of free will well came up. Members talked about factors growing up and poverty. Like if you got rapped than you more likely to rape some one, you being abused as a kid than you more likely to abuse your kids or being poor more likely to steal. The problem with US politics is conservative vs liberal. Where in the US conservatives will down play this. The problem with sociology and psychology is there is no tool to measure free will and it is not well understood. So the US conservatives just downplay it has junk science. As there no tool that can measure factors like if you got raped has kid you more likely to rape some one and how that plays part on free will. Or if you grow up being abused as kid than you more likely to abuse your kids. There is no tools or tests so US conservatives just down play all this. And brain injuries, brain problems or chemical imbalance is even more looked down among US conservatives as just junk science. That with out tools like MRI, CT scan or blood work the US conservatives will just keep down playing it as junk science.
  11. Not good , the US is facing a doctor shortage. Base on this article the US has now less than million doctors https://www.statista.com/topics/1244/physicians/ With all the schools closed for the virus it looks like things are going to get much worse with shortage of doctors. To make things worse they now are sayIng there is less physicists and engineer in the world now. And now they are saying with out cure or vaccine life will not get back to normal. Well does this mean there is going to be massive shortage of skilled people with the schools being closed?
  12. Not sure what you mean that the court will look into if the bad guy that raped some one was raped has a kid him self? And if so spend less jail time than bad guy that raped some one that was not raped him self? Or poor person that does shoplift spend less jail time than some on that is not poor and done shoplift?
  13. not sure what you mean by communal living. Are you saying most people from India live in communal living? Some parts of India lack water so that may explain the lack of hygiene.
  14. not sure what you mean by that in bold?
  15. The problem is this thread is turning into a sociology thread like is society, group, culture or bad upbringing, bad parenting or problems like being poor is causing crime. And free will here becomes murky problem as some say I was poor and did not do that or I had these problems did not do that and members blame weak character. Some support it and others do not or have mixed views on free will. Not addressing mental health or brain anatomy problem. I think the problem with public is they don’t believe in bad brain anatomy problem or a chemical imbalance problem. So support free. And thus why members are avoiding it here or some thing. Or that we don’t have CT scan, MRI scan or blood work to support bad brain anatomy or chemical imbalance problem and like to argue no problem so you have free will. And it becomes poorly understood problem with mental health.
  16. I guess you need tools to show there is brain damage or some thing wrong with their brain than other people their brain or a chemical imbalance problem. The problem is the critics that say this is just theory and there is no science proof. Well why because if there is no brain damage and there is nothing wrong with their brain it is the same as other people their brain the brain is not wired wrong and no chemical imbalance than it comes down to other things that may be the cause of crime. If it is because of social issues and not psychology than people are going to be less empathy to the criminal. That if there is chemical imbalance or brain is well different it is beyond the person control and the person needs to take meds to not do crime. But I don’t think psychology gone that far to day say this today or psychology is that advance to day to say this so in the end this is just theories floating around.
  17. I know there is not much information out there and there is lot of talk but not any hardcore science. But the theory why some people do crime and not other people is their brain yes the way their brain is wired and well some other people say chemical imbalance problem that these people have well really hard time to control his or her own self. And there seem to be this debate among people that some people say low IQ and other people say chemical imbalance. But is there well any agreement among doctors and scientist today? And well people who are poor may well steal or go around asking people for money at the 711 they are not normally violent or have hard time controlling his or her own emotion and pulled out gun, shoot some one or fight some one because you said some thing or looked at the person the wrong way or road rage or some one cheating on the lover. If it is the way their brain is because of the way their brain is wired or a chemical imbalance are they really responsible or because of low IQ? Unless the person did not take his or her meds to me normal are they responsible for such crimes?
  18. The part about the Philippines seem really odd. That why I question the documentary. I think like you said most scientist believe Siberia, China and Mongolia is where they came from.
  19. I think we need be clear about looks than DNA test. That if billion people where in a room from different countries and you had no idea from what country they came from and you cannot run DNA test that could you group the people base on looks. And how many groups. Now culture is other thing and culture changes over time.
  20. Yea I think that is what he was saying here that some may come from Philippines and from Mongolia. It makes sense lot of Mongolia people look similar to the natives. But I'm not sure if 90% main stream media and schools support that theory?
  21. I saw this documentary on native Indians in America’s and it goes on to say they came about 10,000 to 14,000 years ago and most them are Siberian and Chinese . I find this a bit questionable that they think they came from Russia and China and are people from there. People from China or Siberian do not look like natives. So why does the documentary say that?
  22. Why do people confuse Race vs. Ethnicity when they talk or post on the internet? Where the dictionary is really clear that ethnicity is shared cultural characteristics, like language, religion, fashion, way you dress, music, custom, food so on. Where race referring to physical characteristics on what the person looks like . where base on this article there is 30 human races in the world. https://blog.world-mysteries.com/science/how-many-major-races-are-there-in-the-world/ But way more ethnicity in the world.
  23. What does it mean when it is saying representing the actual state of the particle by adding up a bunch of functions? This is in reference to eigenstates. That particle has allowed states called eigenstates. Well it is not that particle is in any one of those states, but you can represent its actual state by combining all of them together. That the part of eigenstates I do not understand. Where a general state of a particle is a mixture of these eigenstates. This is the part I do not understand.
  24. Are there going to be better equipment where we can know these things like string theory , extra dimensions and uncertainty principle you never know the particle the speed and position at the same time. You can know the speed but not the position or you know the position but not the speed. If we know a particle's speed EXACTLY, then we can't know exactly where it is. Likewise, if we know exactly where it is, we can't know it's speed. Are there going to be better equipment for this? Some people make reference to things being in other dimension that humans cannot see and there may or may not be tools to see the dimension. And think much of the dark energy or dark matter may be in there.
  25. Why does string theory / M theory require dark matter and dark energy? I thought this other gravity they cannot see or detect like dark matter and dark energy where in other dimension or dimensions? So why does it require dark matter and dark energy? If it is in other dimension or dimensions and that is why they cannot see or detect it than there is no such thing as dark matter and dark energy? If that is the case than why does it require dark matter and dark energy?
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