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Everything posted by porsche11

  1. Awesome explanation I understand now thank you!
  2. OK I think I understand that thanks. The only reason we know this is because of red shift correct? Does red shift also rely on speed of light travel too tho? If a galaxy a billion light years away were to immediately stop and start moving towards us, would it take a billion years to see the blue shift? Thanks Ahhh! Okay that really hit home with me now thanks!
  3. No I am not asking about accuracy. I was curious about the fact that we are seeing the very distant galaxies as they were billions of years ago and they are moving away VERY fast....but the closer galaxies are not moving away as fast. Is it possible the very distant galaxies have since slowed down?
  4. Hello, I am wondering about the expansion of the universe and how it is expanding faster the farther we look out into space. If the farther we look into space the earlier back in time we see, doesn't this mean we are seeing the very distant galaxies, that are moving away from us faster than closer galaxies, at the velocity they USED to be moving away from us. In other words, wouldn't the closer galaxies be a better representation at the speed the galaxies are moving away from us because we are not looking so far in the past and that the expansion has actually SLOWED. I'm probably missing a fundamental point here but thanks!!
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