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Everything posted by desi[inDAhouse]

  1. really? i didn't know that. thank you. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedthanks a lot everyone!
  2. gracias.
  3. That's a brilliant idea. Thank you. Thank you so much. Lol, oh about that model & make thing...I didn't make the survey. My teacher did; she's from India. Anyway, I changed it in the original post. Thanks for catching that for me.
  4. My AP Biology teacher and I are doing an experiment together, in which we are attempting to answer the question: DO TEENS GET INTO MORE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS THAN ADULTS DUE TO CELL PHONE USE, EATING WHILE DRIVING, LISTENING TO MUSIC, ETC.? However, there are not very many people interested in answering questions for the good of science in my community, so I am having an extremely difficult time gathering data. Then yesterday, I came up with this brilliant idea: I would find an active science forum and post my survey there, in an attempt to gain more data. That's where you guys (and women) come in. Your forum appears to be the most active of its kind on the internet, and I really need your help! Here's the survey for my experiment: Are you a student or a parent (think of this as child or adult)? Age: How long have you been driving?: Gender: Race: TYPE OF CAR YOU DRIVE: Year: Model: Make: Do you text while driving (or waiting at the traffic light)?: If so, how often? (all the time, most of the time, sometimes, rarely) Do you talk on the phone while driving (or waiting at the traffic light)?: If so, how often? (all the time, most of the time, sometimes, rarely) Do you listen to music while driving (or waiting at the traffic light)?: If so, how often? (all the time, most of the time, sometimes, rarely) Do you eat while driving (or waiting at the traffic light)?: If so, how often? (all the time, most of the time, sometimes, rarely) Have you been involved in any accidents while you were driving? If so, how many total (in all the years you have been driving)? While you are driving, how often do you talk to the other passenger in the car? (all the time, most of the time, sometimes, rarely) THANK YOU!!!!
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