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    Montgomery, Alabama.
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  1. Dinosaur pee? So they peed it out that long ago and it didn't dry up? (assuming the earth has really been around that long) If I left a glass of pee outside for months it would dry up eventually, but somehow dinosaur pee lasted that long? It doesn't make any sense. You didn't really touch upon any of my other points/questions either. You seem to be unusually preoccupied with urine.
  2. Wait... so wouldn't that mean all the water we're drinking now would be 3 million years worth of urine? If humans and animals used up all that water and urinated it out over 3 million years then rivers and oceans and lakes would be pure urine by now. That's part of the reason the earth can't be as old as atheist scientists say it is.
  3. Wait what does animals peeing have to do with anything?
  4. Hi. I'm new here so this will be my first post. I'm Jamie from Alabama. I'm a proud Baptist and I'd like to point out a few inconsistencies I found in the theory of evolution. The first point I'd like to make is in relation to the age of the earth and how it ties in with "evolution". I'm a young earth creationist. I believe that God created the earth approximately 5,000-6,000 years ago, and there is a good reason for this belief. Atheist scientists will tell us that the earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old, but this is impossible. Please hear me out and let me explain before you scoff and abandon this thread. Atheist scientists believe that we evolved from stardust (even just saying it in a sentence sounds silly lol) So apparently we are living beings that evolved from lifeless materials. It doesn't make much sense to me because last weekend I was sitting by a lake pondering God's marvelous creation when I picked up a rock and stared at it. It suddenly dawned on me that if that very rock was 4.6 billion years old like athiest scientists say it is, then rocks would have evolved into intelligent creatures also. If evolution really was true and we all evolved from lifeless materials over 4.6 billion years, then that rock should also be a mammal or an insect or something by now. But there it was, still a useless rock, just sitting there. No brain, no self-awareness. Nothing. This is another point I'd like to make. In my senior year of science class my teacher (who I also suspect is an atheist) was explaining to us that humans developed large complex brains because "we integrated meat into our diets a long time ago". Sounds silly to me. We started eating meat and the protein made us evolve a larger more complex brain, resulting in superior intelligence? Okay... well we aren't the only species that eats meat lol. Why didn't other animals evolve to be as intelligent as us? I can name dozens and dozens of animals that eat meat, but can you name how many lions you've met that attended university and became doctors? When you went to high school did you have a grizzly bear teacher? Have you ever had your taxes done by a dog accountant? Nope, not me anyways. A human did my taxes this year. Also, I did some research on something else. Apparently the total amount of water on earth is "1.386x10^21 liters", whatever that means. I don't know what the X and the ^ is for, but I'll continue anyways. There are almost 7 billion people on earth, so let's assume that human beings drink two liters of water a day, which could be true for some people. Some people drink a lot of water. That would mean that every human being on this planet collectively drinks 12x10^9 liters of water a day (I'm pretty sure that's right, I had to ask some Asian guy I know to do the math for me. I kinda suck at math) Now here's what I'm getting at... atheist scientists say that life evolved around 3 billion years ago, so this would mean that human beings alone (excluding animals) would have consumed 9.5 times the amount of water on this planet. This is obviously impossible, because if this were true our oceans would be completely drained by now. So how do we still have large amounts of unused water? One more quick thing. If there is no oxygen in space, then how does the sun keep burning? We all know that fire needs oxygen to keep burning.
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