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Everything posted by Nave
well the glass is strong enough to withstand the pressure. Its not much pressure anyway because I2 tripple point is just over 1atm and 125 C so theres really nothing to worry about.
i made the liquid I2... It was actually really easy after i found the triple point. Its color was really amazing too.. I took a small test tube put in the I2 sealed the one end then heated it. Works very nicely
First off if u tried to clamp a glass tube with a vice....wouldnt that break the gas? lol its just clear rubbertubing... u would have to be an idiot to use glass! Ohh by the way does anyone know What I2's Triple point is?
the other day i made some liquid CO2 by placing frozen CO2 into a tube and clamping each end and letting it sublime. Since iodine does sublimes would you be able to make liquid iodine. Because the only other way we see it is mixed with alchohol. Would it be possible to do? What could you do it in because i know its far more reactive then CO2.
Yeah ive done that b4. Got it down to -10 C. Still it doesnt freeze becasue its not just water. Its what they have in icepacks.
yeah in a vacum pump... however the pump wasnt good enough to freeze the water after it boiled.
ive seen water boil at room temp
Well yesterday in chem class my teacher mixed powders together and they began to mix into like a paste. However he doing this on a board with water under the beaker. When he lifted up the beaker the board was frozen to it and he measured the temp of the solution and it was -40 C..... I was really cool... Now i was wondering are there two chemicals or more that can mix together as liquids and freeze instantly... So as soon as you put the liquids together they are completly frozen?
What about those guys that come around and test your water? One came to my house a few months ago and did tests for Nitrates, and Cl and a few other things and I asked him what chemicals he was using but he wouldnt tell me.. Any clue what those could be? And he didnt boil the water or anything like that he just used water from the tap.
Ok so now our school wont let us carry around due to a event where someone had Vodka in a water bottle and got cought(effin loser) Well our water fountains arent the best and taste like crap so i wana see whats actually in our water. What would some chemicals that I can check for things like Nitrates, Cl, Iron, Lead, or anything else that you guys can think of that could be in our fountains. Thanks
smoke bomb sounds good...make sure the color of ur smoke contrasts the background so u can get a good look at it...also another idea if u can get any free or buy cans of air if u turn them upside down and spray them u get a white stream coming out but i dont know how long ur wind tunnel is so check it out before u get many cans of air...
well its a real cathode ray gun. you see in the old tvs they had a sort of somthing with them so if u mod a tv a bit you can have one...so i guess i could figure out the specs somehow :/
5614 its 1/1837 of a Hydrogen atom
nvm guy thanks though i found what i was looking for
First off I wasnt sure where to put this so i just put here. I was wondering if anybody knew of a lab or the equations to figure out weight of electrons. I know you have to do stuff with magnets and a cathode ray gun which i have access too..but what are the equations to figgure out the weight of electrons. I mean i all ready know how much they way i just wana like prove it to myself cuz i dont have anything better to do. I looked on the internet but i really havent found anything yet so any help will be appreciated.
Jdurg if u ever want some data to try and back that up when u have a really cold temp outside just take two different cups. one with boiling water and one with room temp. and throw them. the room temp wont do anything while the boiling one will freeze in the air. I think next time i get into those temps ill try it with the water just sitting there and let u know the results..but if u ever get a chance to do it its quite amazing...
prob my first telescope sparked an intrest in sci then it just grew from there...
Im nave.. thats my name backwords... cool huh? yeah i like blowing things up and making things better by hacking them(like computer stuff). I think we should have a forum on like stuff u hacked(not necessarly computer) and glitches you found. oh yeah im 15
I was wondering if anybody had any good sites or really good sites that could help me out with atomic structures. Thanks
you know what a cool thing to do in the freezing cold(i did it in -20 F) weather is to take a cup of boiling water and just throw it and it freezes in mid air.
hell id blow them away if they came into my house
Yea so he was joking around...if he really didnt trust me that much then why would he be letting me do experiments ben huh?
"they snuck into their school lab" Ok i dont no where you got that from but first off we didnt sneek into our labs or anything like that. We went to our chem teacher with this whole thing planed out. He GAVE us the chemicals and let us do the reaction. HE was supervising us the whole time. We did all of this in a Fume hood with gloves aprens and goggles. When we put the sugar in we were BEHIND the fume hood so nothing could kill us.. And who said we didnt know anything about what we were mixing? Its not like we just randomly choose chemicals. We came up with an equation and had trouble solving it so we decided to do the experiment....so DONT try and say that it wasnt safe or smart chem cuz if u do then ur def wrong... Also if we were SUCH amatures then why would our chem teacher whos been teaching for 25+ years let us do this huh?
hmm would there be a way to test what % of ClO2 we have? also would there be a way to increase the % of ClO2 that we have?