Thank you very much! I will watch those videos. I really appreciate your help.
The reason I am trying to grasp this is because there always seems to be a sort of misrepresentation by scientists on these television programs. I realize that it may be because TV wants to "sex it up" for the public to make the show more shocking and get people's attention, and I also think a lot of the time there is misrepresentation because the geneticist being interviewed is a woman - and sometimes these women may be feminists or maybe have issues with men in their personal life. But as I said, maybe it is just for ratings.
The perspective that seems to be so commonly presented is that women have more genes than men, because of the larger number of genes on the X, and therefore have some genetic superiority. One woman even said that this is an inferiority of the male and that eventually it will lead to extinction of men because the Y cannot repair itself. Furthermore the Y is portrayed as a little stunted version of the X. I have listened to this sort of thing and pondered it, a perspective growing in my mind from the information I have been taking in . My take on it is this: The Y is not a stunted version of the X, but a special "mantle" of Identity passed from father to son , a relationship that does not exist with mother to daughter. The fact that women have two X's just means there is a lot of redundancy. Women are in fact missing a special piece of information - an extra piece of information, if you will.
This is particularly relevant to me because of my Jewish heritage from my biological father. According to Jewish tradition , a person is not a Jew unless his mother was. This makes no sense to me . It certainly is not Biblical. And it also makes no sense in light of the subject of this thread. I am quite Jewish - my Y goes back to Biblical times if the above information is true. That is why I titled the thread as I did : "X and Y Chromosomes and Identity".
So to sum up : Men have a special inheritance from there fathers, a special chromosome that more solidifies their identity, not a lesser genetic make-up, but an extra piece of information.
Please forgive my pro-male stance, I know it is