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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Molecular Genetics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Have you tried altering time/temperature of induction to optimise it? Also sometimes the concentration of inducer can affect things along with the type of media used.
  2. Thankyou very much, we will have a play around with it next week. We're using the same/similar concentrations of lead used by previous papers so it must be possible somehow...
  3. Thankyou!
  4. Soil samples contained lead ranging from 7-10%
  5. Thankyou! We did try altering the acidity of the solution we made, which did make the lead dissolve, but then we pipetted some of that into the nutrient broth and the white powder just reappeared. We also tried adding the acid once the lead was in the broth but it had no effect whatsoever! And it does look like lead hydroxide when we first put it in, and then changes once autoclaved.
  6. Heya, Stumbled upon an problem. We are trying to create nutrient broth with a range of concentrations of lead acetate in order to grow lead-tolerant bacteria. The problem is, when we add the lead acetate solution to the nutrient broth it immediately precipitates, it then reacts and changes from a white precipitate to a grey/black precipitate when we autoclave it. Anyone got a solution? We know its been done before, but we don't know how and seem to be missing something... Thanks
  7. Heya, Stumbled upon an problem. We are trying to create nutrient broth with a range of concentrations of lead acetate in order to grow lead-tolerant bacteria. The problem is, when we add the lead acetate solution to the nutrient broth it immediately precipitates, it then reacts and changes from a white precipitate to a grey/black precipitate when we autoclave it. Anyone got a solution? We know its been done before, but we don't know how and seem to be missing something... Thanks
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