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Everything posted by kris_

  1. Greetings, This is my first post, and first time on the forums as you can see from my count, but I'm entirely eager for an answer, or well further discussion on a subject I've been entirely obsessive about as of these past few days. I might be in the wrong section of the forum, but these questions are going to lead up to psychological discussion, but first I need some help in understanding a few things before I can ask them. I'm using numbers to organize the answers I receive easily, so please use the numbers I've assigned to the questions. 1. Okay, so I have been reading about monoamine oxidase A, which deaminates norepinephrine (noradrenaline), epinephrine (adrenaline), serotonin, and dopamine (Yes, I'm copy and pasting for time sake, I'm supposed to be working).This in turns means that it allows them to disassemble, and then be reused by the body? 2. So, then, I'm probably reading it wrong, but, you can have a deficiency of monoamine oxidase A, or an abundance? 3. So, if you have a deficiency you have a build up of those things. So, I guess my question after all of that, is, if you do have a build up of those things, what can happen? What are the symptoms of having a build up of those. 4. My next section is, so everyone has monoamine oxidase A, but there are variants: 2R (two repeats), 3R, 3.5R, 4R, and 5R? So, some of those are high activity, and low activity? 5. This means you can have a deficiency or an abundance of monoamine oxidase A with a variant of the 2R, 3R, 3.5R, 4R, or 5R? 6. Can you only have one variant of MAOA? I will leave it there, so we can part this into orderly sections. Thank you, and feel free to type as much as you want. Again, this will lead into psychological discussion, but I feel like this is neurological as well, so the section fits.
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