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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Theoretical physics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Thank you. Ill check that out. I don't really have that great an understanding of theoretical physics in general but I'm trying to expand my knowledge. You've been very helpful Sorry. Computer crapped out
  2. Thank you. Ill check that out. I don't really have that great an understanding of theoretical physics in general but I'm trying to expand my knowledge. You've been very helpful Thank you. Ill check that out. I don't really have that great an understanding of theoretical physics in general but I'm trying to expand my knowledge. You've been very helpful Thank you. Ill check that out. I don't really have that great an understanding of theoretical physics in general but I'm trying to expand my knowledge. You've been very helpful Thank you. Ill check that out. I don't really have that great an understanding of theoretical physics in general but I'm trying to expand my knowledge. You've been very helpful
  3. That's what I was thinking at a quantum level
  4. Was wondering if it is possible that instead of "strings" what if all matter is connected by "tubes" allowing the passage of matter between universes. If so there is the possibility that antimatter coming into contact with matter could have caused an annihilation which created the "Big Bang". True?
  5. Could be that the "constant" of LS is effected at a quantum level by a number of other forces causing the entropy. Remember that, as proposed by M theory, all particles (including light) are connected to all others in the multiverse which would cause a great deal of stress I would think. Entropy would then be a natural reaction to that stress
  6. It seems to me that since space is curved rather than flat you wouldn't so much be traveling between two points but rather connecting them in the same time-space. Like drawing a line on a piece of paper between two points. Yes there is distance but if you fold the paper so that the two points touch you have negated the need to travel that distance.
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