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Darryl Forests

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Everything posted by Darryl Forests

  1. You obviously didn't even listen to the lecture by Noble or read the paper. Listen, the neo-Darwinian synthesis made a number of assumptions and they have been proven false. There is no way round it. Firstly the neo-Darwinian synthesis denied that acquired charateristics can be inherited. As noble cited, we now have evidence that they can be and after many generations. See his references on epigenetic inheritance. There next assumption of neo-Darwinian synthesis was that all evolution is gradual, well we now know that saltational mechanisms have exist in evolution. Both gradual and saltational evolutionary events have occurred in evolution. Neo-Darwinian synthesis has been proven wrong for denying saltational events could occur. Next the neo-Darwinian synthesis said all mutations are random, well if you watched the video, you would see evidence for direct mutation. the other assumption of the neodarwinism was the dogma of molecular biology. it has been broken. Eugene koonin also wrote on this. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3472225/ Does the central dogma still stand? so the assumptions of neo-Darwinian have been disproven. there is no Neo-Darwinism. the next evolutionary synthesis is characterised for a plurality of evolutionary processes that defies any general categorization or generalization.
  2. I recommend visiting the website of Denis Noble: link removed
  3. A major revolution is occurring in evolutionary biology. In this video the President of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Professor Denis Noble, explains what is happening and why it is set to change the nature of biology and of the importance of physiology to that change. The lecture was given to a general audience at a major international Congress held in Suzhou China. Please watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJhotrNeYGE Things discussed in the video: 1. DNA is not the sole transmitter of inheritance 2. The central dogma of molecular biology has been broken, genomes are not isolated from organism or the environment. Transmission of information is not one way. 3. Gradual accumulations of mutations is not the cause of speciation 4. Proteins did not all evolve via gradual mutation Here is his scientific paper Physiology is rocking the foundations of evolutionary biology Abstract: http://ep.physoc.org/content/early/2013/04/12/expphysiol.2012.071134.full.pdf+html As Noble has explained in his video and scientific paper, all assumptions of Neo-Darwinism have been disproven. Please watch the video, and read his paper. Any comments?
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