Hi, I am new to the forum.
Straight to question:
Material I have: Two Batteries each 200Apms 12 Volts
Solar PV as follows:
200W 24 Volts 6 Amps
250W 24 Volts 7 Amps
230W 24 Volts 7 Amps
Inverter Input 24 Volts from solar to 12 V output to battery.
Questions I have:
1. Amps written on the Solar PV as 6 or 7 amps are 6 amps/hr? Or does it means something else?
2. How many hours will my solar panels take to charge my two batteries? (I understand that there is a solar charge controller in between to control) If you can give the calculation, I would really appreciate.
3. What is required to charge battery - voltage or Amps or both? Is it correct to say that to charge my 12V 200 Amp battery, I would need to charge it with 12V 20amps for 10 hours?
3. Is 24V 7amp = 12V 14 amp?
Please help me in getting answers to these.
Thank you,