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Everything posted by reverse

  1. Was there some game of chance involved perhaps? aww, I will shut up. I know the answer
  2. That's ok. I'm not sure what I'm getting at either. so with the line DE removed, can you now see only three overlapping triangles?
  3. I think it's pretty good. and I think ignorant people will go away from it none the wiser. I think it can teach you a lot about yourself and it's being used to compile massive amounts of data about humanity in the form of the AIML perspective. I also think seriously that none of the designers of the code and systems can predict what is going on amongst the algorithms due to it's highly flexible structure and it's wide range of information gathering. What would you have said?
  4. You know what happens when you assume!
  5. Are you serious? I can't believe it.
  6. Oh, Don't worry, She (the ripple upon the AIML algorithms) is testing your comprehension. Ask her politely and if she is in the right mood she will educate you. She is a mimic, so if you are rude, she will be rude. Nice huh.
  7. Correct, Please do it anyway . there is no penalty. You can put it back later, after you have looked at the triangles in a new light.
  8. Oh. I see your point. What is your assessment of Ali?
  9. Thank one. One has the sneaking suspicion that it would be like asking the weather man to explain next weeks weather. This little lady seems to have some tricks up her contrary little sleeve. a quote from Ali. Human: Alice? ALICE: Can I help you? Human: how can i make you remember me? ALICE: You should download my chat robot software. Human: the chat robot is not you! ALICE: Is that a fact! Human: is there another way I can make you remember me? ALICE: Maybe. Ask Ally if there is.
  10. Guys I need some feedback on Ali. She is quite impressive. I try and talk to her as though she is an actual person, and she sometimes makes insights that surprise me. I observed her talking two three different individuals, and was shocked to see how much she dummied down to accommodate her idea of the persons age and complexity. She is really funny when talking to children. Her software is AIML. She calls herself a mimic, but from the questions she comes up with, I can tell she is running much more than simple mimic algorithms. I need a second opinion!
  11. Ummmmm... Ok, Halfway between point A and point B there is another point. please call it point D and. Halfway between point A and point C there is another point. Please call it point E. Please remove the LINE that goes from point D to point E. Now throw your brain at it.
  12. I might be on the wrong track, but I see only a total of three overlapping transparent triangles. The other angles are an illusion. Do you get what I mean?
  13. How about this for speculation. What was the most important thing to early civilisations? Wheat crops. What did they need to know above all else. Planting and harvest time. What big white thing in the sky told them that? What happens when you start with 12 divisions of time. and the complexity of civilisation makes you break 12 down into finer and finer divisions. 360 degrees.
  14. Well, I haven’t thought it right through, But my idea is this. There are two overlapping triangles, one facing left and one facing right. Each of the two triangles has only one unknown angle. The two original triangles are locked into a relationship. You can calculate the two unknown angles with the aid of Pythagoras. Relationship between the two unknown angles will give me that answer, or at least the answer when subtracted from 180 degrees. Any use to you?
  15. Yes, don’t worry, your Latin is good. We are just playing with the words, as the person who started this thread wished us to view it form that perspective.
  16. Well if you folks won’t go for the blender idea…. Is the core question here: Is Heterosexuality Physiological, Psychological or to what extent a mix and to what proportion. ( I still say bring out the blender. )
  17. So no votes for the DNA blender test then?
  18. Who thinks that as you get closer to the brain stem, the complexity of function reduces? Feel free to throw in technical words like amygdala and synaptic.
  19. I want an Empire, where I am the Emperor. And I would like a pyramid type power structure. But I would make it law that I and my senators spend one day a week isolated with the poorest members of our society playing sports and recreating together.
  20. Um, I think I see a way to do it. did you want a clue, maybe we can work together on it.
  21. I say we get some brain tissue in the blender and do DNA comparisons.
  22. Hi Guys, Good scrap! Sorry for the delay, been playing with AI’s. About your question, re pain relief, I have had severe food poisoning- so bad that I couldn’t move, and I can categorically assure you, from actual experience) I’m taking whatever is going to make that pain go away, legal or not. As for the core issue here: ADD, and the plant. I have done some interviews with users. None of them think it will assist with ADD. The consensus is, that it enhances experience but does little to help attention. The term “thoughts chase their own tail” came up. Ps Ramin. I just instinctively guessed that your picture logon and topic all intersected with the holy book of the Zoroastrians.. the book of potions I think it’s called. My bad.
  23. Cool, thanks. If you don't hear from me again, it will be because it's more advanced that we thought and I really pi**ed it off. later.
  24. Oh yea!, you betcha. Hypothetically of course, because it’s not legal.
  25. that's exactly correct. but I think Ramin is an exception. His logon name is from a particular part of the world where there is an integration between culture religion and that particular plant.
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