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Everything posted by reverse

  1. That I totally did understand. What will happen to all the people when they realise they are in the matrix? Will they become unhappy? Why don’t you like to be in the matrix? I use this word matrix as I can not think of a better one. I must attend to other matters now. I will be back tomorrow to ask you more questions. thanks.
  2. Thanks for the thoughts on the cubes and spheres. My brain is unable to comprehend what you are saying. My thought structures are far too rigid to make the connections you are able to. And that is saying something as my approach to learning is very much a contextual one. 1)When you were a child, was English your first language? (I ask this to determine how much of your style of communication is due to the way your mind is working.) 2) can you tell me how and when you first came to cross over the barrier or matrix. (I ask this to find a way to use words and meanings at the barrier…to talk over the fence as it were.) This is very interesting to me. Please do not waste too much of your time on this if you have more pressing matters to attend to.
  3. I thought that was just people with a fetish for nurses uniforms. *SLAP!* while we are putting our orders in, can I get an extra set of arms. Nature never knew we would have to carry stuff while going through doors.
  4. Gee, that’s asking to dig deep down among the disused skills. Umm, as far as I can remember, the trick is to think about an angle (like the angle of the strut/string thingy as not an angle type force at all. But rather think of it as two forces, one horizontal and one vertical. Say you were walking along with two of your friends, one on your left and one on your right. If one pulled you forward and one pushed you sideways then you would move in a angle of about 45 degrees. So that angular movement (vector), can be thought of as the product of two forces rather than just one angular force. 0nce you get that idea...the rest will be easy. I think.....(it's been a while).
  5. yea, ok guys, enough of your hobbies, what's your opinion on Michael Jackson?
  6. Sir. you're not really helping your cause. As a pragmatic member of society, when it comes to removing antisocial elements I know that the following methods are available. acceptance. non acceptance. punishment. imprisonment. hospitalisation Medication. Death. Sir, may I ask for your opinion on Michael Jackson?
  7. David, once you have reconfigured your thought pattens in this fashion, can you also return to your traditional way of thinking to get the idea across to the rest of us? I'm assuming that you were first taught Standard English and the associated grammar. Another question, what can you use this “hyper-thought for”? As a pragmatist, an application for a skill, makes me much more keen to know about it. My main concern with this hyper thought of yours is that it might be difficult to return to your normal thought patterns after spending long periods of time operating in that mode. You may require a very strong mental control or a doctor to prescribe you with a thought suppressant in order to get you operating in a mental range that the rest of us can comprehend. You know that we are all fighting “Mollach” in our own way. You really need to work within the Matrix rather than outside it. David, just thought of something. You might be able to help me with another unrelated topic that I'm working on. Can you tell me what a sphere and a cube look like outside what you call the "matrix". and do they always look the same? Could you possibly try and fashion the answer in usual English, don’t worry if you have to use a lot of words to try and get the idea across. thanks.
  8. Is there any test you can do to see if it’s actually the dog- or you anthropomorphising on behalf of the dog? this a study into the area - by the top guns.see link. http://cms.psychologytoday.com/articles/pto-20000701-000037.html
  9. Ahoy there me harties. I has been exploring this here Onomatopoeia Island while yee has been a sleeping. I has seen all manner of creature. First I sees birds with tales like an old Greek harp, singing away like a clock it was. Thens I sees Elephants a humming like bees. Have yee a look see. http://www.amonline.net.au/factsheets/superb_lyrebird.htm http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/03/0323_050323_elephantnoise.html http://www.pbs.org/lifeofbirds/songs/
  10. Righto David, I think I get your idea. can you hang on to it for a moment. I need to think of a name for an island where all events can occur simultaneously without the structure of language binding them down in tense or classification. it sounds interesting. we are still on Onomatopoeia island at the moment. could I just dig around the sounds of the English language for a second? please consider the next post.
  11. so...... the animal must be able to realise the misconception in the mind of another or itself in order to have a sense of humour... and is the mental ability of animals up to this feat... and..(am I going to have to do this all by myself ).... a chimp has the mental ability of a (?) year old human child.... and can a child at that age recognise humour?
  12. slow down brother. I'm having a bit of trouble following your literary style. would you be able to just put one isolated idea forward so I can consider it? thanks.
  13. Oh I see. Not really a person or people at all. More an aspect of humanity or people. The underlying instincts of parents and the like to protect their young. and the way it galvanises people into group behaviour. Do you have these instincts? Because if you do, I seriously don’t understand why you keep repeating the question. I mean if I moderated a site with two Paedophiles on line as well as quite a few young people , the last thing I would be focusing my management skills upon would be some definition of some abstract group.
  14. Well Mr Black, I shouldn’t really indulge my scientific curiosity any more at your expense. The questions I need to ask you now are of a personal nature. I wish you strength in your weaker moments and urge you to remember the wrath of society. thank you.
  15. without trying to be a smart a**, I’m seriously not sure what you want me to say. Could you give me some sort of multi choice answers so I can pick one. I don’t know what sort of perspective you are asking this question from so I cant really give you a good answer. I think I can track the main thread and you as well. Go for it.
  16. that's actually quite a good observation. I like it. So do you suppose Newton decided to take all his equations relative to the earth? l
  17. thank you for fielding those. may I ask more? I am very interested in abnormal psychology as it almost defines normal psychology. Do you find that you become acclimatised to the stimuli and require a larger dose to get the same effect, similar to the way the body gets used to a level of alcohol or marijuana or other drugs. About what percentage of your time do you spend thinking about this and related thoughts thank you.
  18. The question has already been answered, the is "is" quote was taken form a famous situation that encapsulates the BS that's going on here.
  19. who do you mean by "were"? sp I didn't know it was a flame, didn't mean it to be. this is not a word game. this is about real people in real trouble. I will pay all the word games you want on another topic at a later date. this is just not the right place to do that. .
  20. I'm not going to fight with you. you aren’t the topic of this post. I just don’t want Mr Noir to believe his own bs. some truths are self evident.
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