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Everything posted by reverse

  1. look no offence intended. I just want you to be happy. Yes that's the problem with medication; it has more than just the desired effect. Will you do me a favour? will you spend at least half an hour a day doing some physical activity that you enjoy that gets your pulse rate up to over 110 bpm. that’s going to give your brain a rest, make your metabolism work better , make you sleep better and reduce your overall stress level.
  2. that’s very curious. I have always kept a close eye on the paranormal, and to be honest with you, as much as I want to find evidence to support direct communication, none of the tests done have shown even the slightest hint that it exists. so current wisdom would suggest that you can insert your free will in between your being aware of the stimulus and your reaction to it. you may get only the slightest hint of control to start with but it's like that thin end of the wedge story. You can split a massive boulder if you can just find a small gap to hammer a wedge into. If it's stopping you from having a normal day, you must try and teach yourself coping mechanisms. good luck.
  3. What would you say if I told you that as a child I was so strong willed that nothing other than the threat of a good smack could slow me down.
  4. why are we talking about trains. I like trains as much as the next guy, but whats that got to do with the question? stay on track please. now you got me doing it. my question, is the light source behind you, in front of you or travelling with you?
  5. Ok, Say we don’t take this literally and look to the core question. What happens to mass as it tends towards the speed of light. Anyone? anyone?
  6. I'm learning new stuff from it. it seems to drive many events in the world we live in. when I have enough I just don't look.
  7. I like the ancient one, where the types of snot and spit and blood that were most abundant in you determined who you were. Or Horoscopes, The time of birth seals your personality. As far as I know, no 500 question test is going to be able to predict how well I can do a job. And without any form of medication I'm willing to bet that the way I spend my day and who I spend it with will adjust all my levels of extraversion or conscientiousness.
  8. That is curious. It seems irregular for a doctor to use such words. I will explain what I think is the current wisdom on feelings and the way they attach themselves to daily events. Each time you see or hear something it is stored in your mind as a memory Your level of attention is one of the factors determining how strong the memory is. As it is stored, your mind attaches feelings to that memory trace. At times of stress you will attach greater feelings to normal events than most people around you would. You might notice this as, a friend being particularly touchy and overreacting to comment you make with no intention of being mean or rude. It is thought that people who claim their family has been replaced by impostors have had some break in the feeling to memory link system. The impostors look like their family but somehow they don’t feel like their family. There are a very few rare individuals at the other end of the scale who attach extremely strong emotions to the most every day events. These are very rare indeed. A thing I have found that works particularly well with a friend of mine is to : get away from things inside your head, and put your self into your body, and do some form of physical activity that you enjoy. It might be swimming or Skiing or even basketball. Get that pulse up and get yourself operating at a primal level and give your mind a small holiday.
  9. Firstly, at that speed you should have your eyes on the road not in the mirror. Secondly, this is like that train travelling at 100mph, man throws ball from back of train to front, how fast is the ball going… It’s relative to your POV In you lightship. The light generated by your cockpit lighting system hits your face is reflected by the mirror into your eyes. So the photons are travelling at their normal speed. The containment device you invent to enable your life processes to work at that speed must also create an environment to allow light to work normally.
  10. Serious question. Would you consider a hard smack on a child’s (Toddler) hand child abuse? Would you consider a cane (Teen) at school as child abuse?
  11. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate for us to be giving you advice in such matters, because we don’t have the entire picture. From your posts you seem like an intelligent normal young lady. Can I ask you where you first heard the word empathic and what you think it means.
  12. Some parents say that a smack on the hand is child abuse. They are usually the parents with naturally co operative children and assume all children are the same. The other way around. The child is able to override its (*his/ her) natural curiosity with your assistance and not put a hand in the fire or walk along the top of a wall. It’s internal discipline is being supported by it’s understanding that there may be unpleasant results. A threat of a smack on the hand is the lesser of two evils when compared to the smack of concrete to the head (when the child plays where it has been advised not to and falls)
  13. to some kids discipline can take the form of a concerned look from a parent. to others the threat (even if never administered) of a smack is the only thing that will work. As nice as it would be to let children run wild and do what they want, it does not stand them in good stead to fit into a grown up world with grown up rules. And especially when some of the rules are the rules of nature. The energy of that log in the fire ( i asked you not to play with) will migrate from an area of high density (the log) to an area of low density ( your hand). Your body falling off that fence (i asked you not to walk along) will stay in motion until all of the momentum you have acquired due to gravity is stopped by the ground.
  14. thanks, yup I'm starting to get it. I will just keep re reading it until I get it totally.
  15. first you need to see what is holding that stopper in there. examine the contact area closely with magnification. if you come to the conclusion that it's just a simple air pressure differential holding the stopper in place, then use a syringe to inject air through the rubber stopper into the low pressure area. If by Pyrex stopper you mean that the actual stopper is glass, then localised heat can be applied using butane pencil torch , they are handy and very inexpensive. OK my small pea sized brain has taken a liking to this problem. 2: You use dry ice to freeze the stopper thus reducing the diameter of the stopper. 3: You hang the vessel from a string on frame., you then place the entire contraption inside another larger vessel and put a lid on that and create a vacuum inside the larger container to match the one inside the stuck vessel. Yup, I like that last one.
  16. Ok ….so we have at least two other agents acting on the chromosome. The proteins and the dyes. How can we tell what effect they have on the banding? I’m just trying to figure out how untainted the final visual data is.
  17. Killing is wrong because when you get put in prison for murder it really limits your social life, (well with the opposite sex that is).
  18. I did read it thanks. it was just an example.
  19. How would you answer this question. and what is the reasoning behind your answer. "Other people think highly of me" 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree.
  20. they are long and very boring and usually administered at the end of lengthy interviews and practical tests. about 500 multi choice boxes to fill. eg. 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. here is a typical question. "Other people think highly of me" this particular one made me curious, not being gifted with telepathy I'm pretty sure I will never know what other people really think. The first time I encountered this particular question I was thrown. I knew the only logical answer was that there is no answer. (the tests asks that you don’t simply tick down the middle or miss out questions) there are several types of tests, most directed to detect occupational inclination ( if you believe in that sort of thing, smacks of fatalism or determinism to me and not at all in line with the idea that anyone can be president of the United States line) there are a few questions scattered throughout the test to find out if you are a raving nutter and will come into work one day with a handgun to settle that old borrowed stapler issue with your entire department.
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