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Everything posted by reverse

  1. Are you saying that each sperm carries slightly different genetic instructions?
  2. Hey Mokele, I was thinking the other day….. when the genetic material from the two parents first combine in the egg… That very first moment of ( what I define as) life. Now there must be something else strange happening just before that first interlacing of the two halves of data. There must be some random shuffling to create a truly unique pattern. Because if there wasn’t all brothers and sisters from the same parents should be exact clones. What is that mechanism, do you know?
  3. You got me all wrong. I'm not trying to make a point, just observing how there are forces at work in the media acting on the general public re this topic. sure we are a physical species, but also a disorganised bunch of yahoos. you need to galvanise a large groups to do stuff like wars and cultural cleansing. that's where propaganda comes in. ps Bull**** is a highly developed skill. it’s not the same as deception.
  4. I guess it's down to how much right any outside person has to your private life and thoughts. The balance of power is not even in this job situation. sure you can walk away from the test. that may result in instant disqualification from the employment process. What really concerns me is that employers may use the tests to seek putty type individuals to push around. it's not just about how well the job is done it's also about how much more I can get for my wage outlay.
  5. Some of the test questions seem daft. Example: “I like to do physical activity in my spare time.” One of the honesty countercheck questions states “I prefer to spend my spare time in a quiet activity like reading” In my real life situation In summer I’m out enjoying my body. In the winter I educate myself and do indoor things? What do you think I should have answered to these questions? What about the socialisation questions? Sometimes I love to be in the thick of a crowd other times I like to be by myself quiet. Each situation is equally valuable to me. How can I answer these questions honestly? I have serious doubts about these testes.
  6. But missure giant Tokyo destroying monster, At the time, white slave owners did not think as slaves as people, And Crusaders thought of their victims as devils… spawn of Satan…and so on. what is obvious to us now was not obvious to them at the time. At the time it is never obvious. If it was, the violence would not have happened. wonder what the dna of those aborted babies would look like? see this SFN link. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=9484
  7. Do you mean that it's easy to talk the talk, but to walk the walk is a different matter?
  8. No offence taken. I just don’t destroy things (including people’s view of the world ) unless I’m prepared to put in the hours of work to help them build a replacement. A view of reality is a big project. No offence intended, I was pointing to the technique of dehumanization through propaganda. (The old trick of redefining a quantity out of the rule so you can be free of the rule) ( check out some of the Nazi black and white Rat = Jew propaganda films from back then ). There is no intention here to surf a free emotional wave to a logical point of view.
  9. well say for example you went for a job and the interviewer asked you if you slept around a lot or how many boyfriends you had... would you mind that sort of personal questioning... after all, that too is a way to find out more about you... but is it anything to do with the job. Most of the Multiphasic tests don’t ask job related questions.
  10. I’m well with you on that one, but don’t forget dolphins and sharks ( look at the tails) and spiders and insects ( count the legs ). Mother nature will allow convergence to exploit a resource.
  11. They look neat . kind of like snakes or monarch caterpillars. Do the bands spread out because they are centrifuged to weight? or do they creep apart under some sort of chemical reaction to a catalytic agent? I mean what exactly is it that we are banking on here? Ps the ERV insertion stats would be normalised if like a jigsaw puzzle piece they could only fit in one place. Ps the narrowing sections on the strands, are they fusion for sure?
  12. I have often wanted to tick the boxes so they spell out the word JUNG when viewed at a distance. or ticked all the boxes that say "I like to hurt small animals" and "I often hear voices" Trouble is that someone might not get the joke, and you could end up wearing one of those spiffy coats that do up at the back. First time I sat one of these tests ( as the final ok in a job interview) I was a little miffed and indignant at being examined ( like a mouse in a maze) in such an important situation. But I chose to fill out the test despite my protest. It was a really good job. Anyone else been tested and how did you feel and any questions pop up as just downright strange?
  13. Have let this topic sit because I don’t want to upset anyone, but the following thoughts have come to mind . The words pro life and pro choice are distorted. They have already been fiddled with by the spin doctors. (In order to attach other issues to the core simple scientific issue). The words should be” pro abortion” and “against abortion”. My thoughts then went on the inability to consider a small collection of cells to be a human being. I thought that this was also why people could treat slaves so badly, kill the other side in a war and take their Jewish neighbours and put them in death camps. Several different mechanisms of propaganda were used to convince the population that theses groups were not human beings and therefore could be treated cruelly. Finally my mind settled on a saying from somewhere in the storm of words and images that are thrown at us by the media on a daily basis. “who will speak for those without a voice”
  14. Psychometric tests suck? I know the history of Psychometric testing and have compared them to other ways of categorising people by nature. You can pretty much make them come out what ever way you want by adjusting your mindset at the start of the test, yet some Employers pay large fees to have them administered? What do you folks think of the tests?
  15. I have always wondered about this side of human perception. And always tried to thinks of ways one person could transmit their feelings to another person. You see someone yawn , you yawn, you see someone laugh you laugh…lots of that sort of stuff goes on all the time without us having much conscious control over it. As a male I’m sort of genetically predisposed to not pick up on the minute flickers of an eyelid or slight flinch in a little finger. We males have a thick hide in that area. But some people are hyper tuned to these sort of signals and do in a real sense feel the emotion that the other person is feeling. They are sort of emotional mirrors. The word Empath is possibly a bit strong for this situation though. I often speculate that shy people are shy because they are very sensitive to all those almost imperceptible cues generated by other people and the intensity almost swamps them to the point they prefer to be in quiet situations. So what I guess I’m trying to say to you is that you may just be sensitive, and that it may be linked to your age and situation, it may pass and you may get better at dealing with it. Seeing a doctor never hurt either. Good luck.
  16. Did anyone read a recent press release stating that the genetic variance between male and female brains is 1%. Spose that means that we males are only 2% variant from Chimps now.
  17. I’m trying to get the big picture on genetic variance across all forms of life on the planet. This is an area of biology I have been meaning to learn more about. I was thinking that early categories of creatures were based on obvious physical similarities. Now that we are able to look into each creature’s blueprints as it were. We can make up a much more proportional picture of their relationships. Anyone got up to data on the % variance between humans and say a chimp, humans and a feline, humans and a reptile…etc I guessing humans and say clay will be something like 100% variance. Is there some sort of periodic table of the creatures so to speak? Inspired by the recent chimp-human hybrid thread.
  18. the thing I have always been uneasy with is, how do you get the person back inside the transported body? Are we sure that the personality will automatically fill a similar vessel? I know my computer doesn’t come back after a power cut.
  19. I think the direction you are looking for is called perception. it's a topic that was explored in great depth several thousand years ago. it gets down to the understanding that what we get on the inside of our head is not the same as the actual thing on the outside of our head (known as reality). What we get on the inside of our head is a representation or model only. turns out that our internal model is pretty good and it enables us to pretty much get the better of reality. If your internal model is way out, then you are a crazy person, and you get put away if you look like could do too much harm to other people. If your internal model is only slightly out, then you must work for the local council.( that's just a joke ) You should maybe wait till you are older before trying to unwrap this one. As a young person you can spend more time watching the world and particularly how people get on with each other. that’s just my opinion.
  20. reverse

    War Of The Worlds

    No, The Venusians are a peaceful scientific people. Deeply interested in calculus as a religion. They are sitting on large underground oil reserves however. Earth is off there to defend itself against weapons of math instruction. kidding.
  21. reverse

    War Of The Worlds

    I will defiantly go and see it when it’s released. The 1950’s one has some good looking ships and cool sounds but it is a bit slow paced for today’s tastes. Was given the old radio show hoax one on tape, Orson Wells narrated it. Apparently it had framers of the time at the ready with their shotguns. It’s surprisingly enjoyable even today. I’m not holding out much hope for this latest version. Spielberg seems to be missing the zeitgeist for some strange reason these days? I’m just over run with computerised images and formulaic story structures. Because of that I hope he finds a new take on the story, and a new structure to tell it with.
  22. back agian. No beating intended. Had stuff to do that could wait no longer. 1: One of the key arguments as to the distinction between humans and other creatures has been stated as the small window of choice between action and your choice of reaction. Without that it is argued that we are little more than robots. Not culpable, not punishable and not distinct. in short, no ability to choose = no claim to humanity. 2: From what I have studied, you are operating from a fairly high level of moral behaviour. That is not so common ( if I’m to believe the texts ) You seem to have found yourself exactly the right position on the topic. 3: Thanks for the chance to stretch my brain a bit. I can’t believe the mods let us wander of topic for so long!
  23. ok that one. I know you like a challenge so I will leave you with it and pick up later.
  24. sorry 216
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