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Everything posted by reverse

  1. Coral Rhedd. Here is a question for you. I think I know the answer but I need a double check. If people are so happy at weddings why do they cry all the time? Babied do not cry unless they are unhappy.
  2. Iglak. Monogamy HISTORY: Before democracy there were Kings. Monogamy from a kings wife at lest was absolutely essential. In those times of superstition, a kings right to rule was from the gods. And passed on to a true son. Can you imagine the disaster of a false son coming to power. The kingdom would be under the guidance of a mere mortal. NATURE: A male cat will sneak off and kill the young of another cat. Female cats must be constantly vigilant for their kittens. SOCIETY; A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, but contracts are a girls best friend. When women were possessions and had no power to vote or earn money, how were they to be cared for once the charms of youth had gone. A binding social contract of course.
  3. Some emotions involve complex social conditioning. Like guilt. but that’s where babies are handy. they are unconditioned. so their emotions are relatively pure. I don’t think I've seen a guilty baby. (there they are, smiling away - while you clean up. - happy as punch that they have just thrown food all over the place) There needs to be some scale for the "social conditioning content" part of complex emotions, or at least a purity scale. also Sex. at puberty new dimensions are added. but we cant look to a baby for the untainted version of this - as babies do not run under that drive.
  4. Aww c'mon Doomcorp. If we were into making big bucks out of stealing other peoples ideas, would we be wasting time on this web board. sheesh! Hint as to the general process please.
  5. This is such a strange thread. But the prospect of free energy is so valuable that anything is worth considering. Quite a while back,( in my school holidays ), I worked for a Chap who was constantly trying to build perpetual motion machines. All about the place were scattered various failed devices. he did have some material that was impervious to magnetism along one axis that was the last thing he was tinkering with before I changed jobs. since then I have always kept an eye out for perpetual motion. as far as I can see the fact of the conservation of energy rules out the idea. well that, along with the fact that friction occurs. if you could de-sticky friction you would at least get something that would continue on indefinably with the start-up energy. things in space do that to a great degree. but that’s not much use for getting extra energy out to use for some other purpose. What you may have, is a way of tapping into an existing energy source that is not apparent. any chance of hearing the broad idea so I can have a think about it? Ps. the idea of using momentum to out phase the downward force if gravity has always appealed to me. PPs I’m not sure our oil based global power strictures could take a hit from a free energy source It would create massive destabilising of the global political structures. Hint, some things are better left alone.
  6. thought of gaps? the pain sensors in the skin are not equally dense all over the body. could have missed a sensor. gone in between two.
  7. Yes I have noticed that darkness seems to radiate from under things and especially out from the corners of closets. Very obscure and entertaining observation, well I suppose if a vacuum isn’t really a vacuum then it's seems to follow that darkness isn’t really no light.
  8. it's a funny one to get your head around. infinity is hard to figure. I seem to remember something about calculating for infinity minus one or plus one to get over the paradox. Can you run some numbers?
  9. many thanks.
  10. Sorry gents. been out trying things. this is the skinny on it. The back of the speaker produces an out of phase wave that cancels out the primary wave coming from the front. so if you are clever you put the speaker into a box. Now if you can get that out of phase back wave to slow down by travelling through a foam type material or just by simply having it travel about two meters before it remerges from a smaller hole at the bottom of the box. then tadaaaa you get reinforcement rather than cancellation! Yay! Big speakers shift air. so size matters. It's a diameter thing, think about it. the small speaker would disassemble itself if it tried to flex that much. Thanks for the help. all solved.
  11. No NO No , that just wont work! (frustration intermingled with excitement at the prospect of moving closer to a solution) (tears up diagram and throws it in the trash). Quiet still and calm must be at the centre. the gradient from small to great must radiate outward like a sun. now, where to place surprised.......
  12. I Like it! so far a sort of blurry diagram is starting to form in the vacuum between my ears. I have a ring like a compass with north south east west. Happy is at the north position and sad is at the south. angry is at the west and scared is at the east. We can put your gradient from one to ten around the edges, do you think it should be 12 instead of ten. it’s more natural?? there is a smaller ring inside the first containing surprise and disgust. as surprise is an opening or inviting of the world and disgust is a closing and rejecting of the world, I place surprise in line with happy and disgust in line with sad. feel free to re assign the positions on this emotional compass. feel free to add subtle emotions in at any place. if it wont work it can be scrapped and another form considered.
  13. no probs. have a stab at a broad outline for categorizing emotions like a paint colour chart and I will share some thoughts on why monogamy is popular.
  14. This is way off topic but I can see it's close to your heart so. [quote= Perhaps monogamy is a form of population control. Often history leaves us with the systems .See if you can find a historical case for Monogamy.
  15. I was hoping it would get to this point. well in truth I'm hoping this will lead to some form of system. Like when you go to buy a can of paint from a paint store. first you get the general colour, then you look at a variation of that colour (which in light is a combination of the red blue green wavelength and in pigment is a combination of the Cyan Magenta yellow black pigments). I didn’t want to go look it up (thanks all the same Glider) because I wanted to see if it would be self deducible from our own experiences.
  16. Babies, you know the ones, those small often ill smelling - diaper wearing members of our species. They may provide some clarity into the first two emotions, happy and sad. They are extremists in their expression of their emotional states. When they are sad they wale and liquid streams from their eyes Sometimes they are sad many times a day. (Is the liquid a by product of a chemical reaction.) When a caregiver appears they are happy and they make a chortling sound. And sometimes when they are very happy they stutter out a pitch not at all as piercing as the crying tone. No liquid is ejected from around the visual sensors at this time , but one must still exercise great caution as these creatures have a variety of methods at their disposal to produce liquids of many viscosities. They do not seem to get jokes but do like the slapstick routine known as peek a boo. Apparently the anticipation coils up within them to be releases like a giant spring in the form of laughter.
  17. Still chewing over Surprised. Where happy bursts outward and sad crumples inward Where angry causes advance upon target and fear causes retreat from target. Surprised is immobile, almost a stationary gathering of information, hence the eyes and mouth instinctively react to open.
  18. Gee never meant it to turn into a sex war, just need more real anecdotal data on emotions. Nevermore, you surprise me with your insight. Surprised. Hmmm. Let me think. Eyes wide, mouth open. Positive sensation, external event activated, cannot be considered a modified form of any of the previous four. No complex thought process must go into it’s appearance. Closest to happiness but far enough away to get it’s own tag. Yes. Happy Sad Angry Scared And Surprised. Any more??? Ps That Poe poem is very cool. The Raven has a special place in mythology and dream symbolism in case you are interested.
  19. Hey have you guys heard of two sub atomic particles the act in unison after they have been produced? No matter how far apart they are?? They seem to not follow the rules of normal physics, not follow the old intensity drops off as to the square of the distance thing. If something like that can be true then surely everything else is up for grabs.
  20. aw come on , I cant believe there are no base heads out there. anyone know anything about speakers at all?
  21. Hey thanks for the help . Problem solved. Found a part in the circuit where a back feeding potential of a few volts was causing the heating effect. Put a diode in and hey-presto, the IC went down to ambient temperature. Thanks again. ps it's a sound generator to emulate the background sound of a battleship in transit.
  22. No Code but Similar to a lm324n I would think by its position. No heatsink. A non contact infrared thermometer.
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