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Everything posted by reverse

  1. "not reallllllllyyyy.....perhaps you and LSD dont get along that well..." how is that going to move the ideas along! fyi , never touched drugs. have had four years formal training in lateral thinking as well as art and engineering type education. God has all the time in the world, did you consider that he may have decided to start us in a pond as soup?
  2. strange thought. really abstract and out there. you don’t suppose the earth is alive do you? like one huge organism floating in space? and the weather and volcanic systems are its form of breathing? and all the creatures upon it are a scaled up version of all the microscopic organisms within our bodies assisting our life processes? you don’t suppose that the internet and television and radio are the very beginnings of its emerging rudimentary conscious. man I gotta lay of this coffee. tx boot. .
  3. Ophiolite. just read your linked post. hey , never thought of that. but have noticed how the path of rust under paint reflects exactly the path of a river from the air and how both look like blood vessels and other structures employed by living things. liked the microchip thing. how about this. if we looked like bacteria back in that (possible) pond- and some of us went for an increase in size and complexity and cooperative behaviour- while others refused to evolve, opting to stay small, individual and low in complexity- how strange that bacteria type forms and that sort of thing, are a much greater threat to our species than even the most refined predator. they took the easy way, and might win in the end!
  4. Artorius. Did you have another idea on how life on earth took it's first foothold? would be very interested to hear it. liquid borne is the only one I have come up with so far. tx boot.
  5. Great thanks, yes it's a bit poetic, just to inspire new thoughts on old themes. as for the pond, it would have been much harder for life on earth to start on land .so I thought pond. You are right I wasn’t there. do you think some of the primary instructions in your present actual DNA code was there? most likely. and the worm. That came from the observation that all really strong feelings seem to come from a small median line extending between both orifices. take away all the other structures, what do you get - a long gut with a directional passage for food. a worm.
  6. Any one care to take point with one of the following? 1 : Creatures evolve to greater complexity. 2 : A human being is a collection of smaller life forms. 3 : unused structures remain latent within the genetic coding and may be re-expressed at a later date. 4 : people are highly specialised worms - with fancy sensors and limbs and other energy storage and distribution systems tacked on. 5 : In that primeval pond at the dawn of time we looked fairly similar to the microscopic viruses that are now competing for life with us. 6 : It is the most foolish thing to think of a person as an individual organism because we can not synthesize sunlight directly, therefore are at best symbiotic.
  7. a bit off the subject. ( at least a scar doesn’t have the social stigma of a tattoo ) thanks for the info.
  8. That sounds like a great use for a laser. How exactly did the laser remove the mark? what was the mark made of? was there (port colour) live blood vessels just beneath the skin?, and by adjusting the focal length of the laser (skin is slightly transparent) to just below surface level, where they cauterised? or is there some other effect going on here? tx boot. ps you would be surprised what photons (light energy) can do these days.
  9. good point. problems with heat can be resolved. if it's just cooling that you are talking about. is there a secondary effect you are aware of?
  10. hmm, it all sounds very far fetched. but then again who would have thought we were going to be talking globally on tiny colour portable phones. or that a thing like the net was possible. Don’t be put off by the number of viruses or the fact that they are so small. just imagine they were as big as a cat. now, how would you design a trap for a cat. here is a link so you know what your target looks like. http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/mmi/stannard/linda3.html my core idea is the one of shape recognition software applied to removing unwanted items in human blood. before computers, there was no way to screen every milligram of blood one drop at a time. now there is. and now we can do it with enough speed to remove something as prolific as a virus. the only factor that needs to be resolved is what kind of sensory gear do we use to see or locate the unwanted item. previously the chemical ports or keys that a virus uses have been targeted. that strangely enough on a microscopic scale can be considered a "shape" issue. what say we use integrated technology or some of the newly forming micro technologies to make a flat surface the entices a virus to dock. a micro trap. what say you construct tiny electrostatic pathways to steer certain shaped items to a particular place. the particular small size of a virus may be it's eventual downfall . tx boot,
  11. I should clarify. Use the technology that they make integrated circuits with to make virus scaled passages or traps or indicators of some type . Cut straight into the metal and semiconductor at the same scale as the virus. it doesn’t have to be pretty, just functional. maybe... imagine an in line filter that was intelligent. a flat ceramic thing.
  12. I was thinking of a custom integrated circuit, that read the shape of a virus. A microscopic version of the readers in the early computers that read "OCRa" type face back in the fifties.
  13. yep, I need location and identification to target my laser. The thing I do have working for me is speed. a computer can go through the most tedious repetitive task with fantastic accuracy and speed. A Ros laser can act with great speed and accuracy. the big problem here is the size of the target. but the good thing is the odd shape of the target. if there was some way to pick out that shape.
  14. thanks for that. relief! so glad that I'm not the only one who thought of this. tx reverse.
  15. good point. hmm, well, maybe we dont actually need to see it to use it's shape to give it away. I wonder what the sacle of intergrated ccts is compared to that of a virus. perhaps a virus has another signature that can be isolated.
  16. I have seen images of viruses. Are they all done with an electron microscope? A virus has a very distinctive shape. Are there any other ways to see down at that scale? Even if the laser gets it wrong some of the time, no real harm would be done.
  17. Do you suppose a computer is fast enough to trigger a laser that is being directed by shape recognition software to pick off particular hard to isolate blood viruses? I mean you would have to redirect the blood out of the body past a high res camera/laser set up then re pipe it back in again. just wondered what the speed of a computer versus the number of viruses would be.
  18. it is a bit creepy if you think of it like that. but by pure reason, if there is a collective conscious. and everyone with a conscious also has a subconscious. and the subconscious interacts with and reflects the conscious. then there must be a collective subconscious. connected and updated by the very normal means of history and language and art and films and TV and the internet. a good example of this, a few months back an African king released all his slaves, his reason" I felt that the breeze of democracy was blowing through the world"
  19. Do you suppose human thought evolved (just like our bodies did). I was thinking, the dawn of man… What if we started out just getting vague sensations of the world. then evolved to feel a certain way about those inputs, not actual thought but “proto-thought”. then much later evolved “reason” to plan how to take best advantage of those inputs. What if that sub thought early layer is still alive and well in the brain. What say the reason part had to evolve totally different type language in order to work well. What say the reason type of language can not interface with the proto mind. What if dreams are the proto mind trying to talk to the reasoning mind, but they don’t speak the same language …but they try and try to talk. just a theory, any thoughts ?
  20. Yes, good point. Do you suppose we are really being directed by our subconscious, Then later on - our conscious self makes up logical reasons to justify our actions?
  21. Sometimes it seems easier to think about and predict the actions of man by considering the behaviour of say “Mars god of war” than by calculating all the political minutia involved in world politics. Is behaviour easier to understand if it is isolated then wrapped up in a human form? Thoughts?
  22. What about the idea of a group consciousness. like the difference between one person clapping and the sound of a whole stadium clapping. there is a group entity or dynamic there. and what about the subconscious, the part of you that controls your actions and you are unaware of, the place where your phobias live. and to throw one more iron into the fire, has anyone ever postulated the concept of a group subconscious. prize to the person who can figure out where that is expressed. Tx reverse.
  23. well for example, do you think of this thread as existing on your screen? where does it really live , and where is our converstauion taking place..I mean at the molecular level and in a phisical sense. it could be the same with human consciousness, where it appears to live may only be the effect caused by the optical interface (our eyes). tx Reverese.
  24. well a way to explore the question more is to find exceptions to the rule. you know. When am I not conscious...asleep...dead...before I was born...in alpha state...etc. where does my conscious center apear to be...in my hands in my head...etc I heard anout this expt where the subject had ears and eyes covered by speakers and tv screens and then cameras and mics were put at his belt. I 'm not sure if his sense of conscious shifted to his belly. Tx, reverse.
  25. I heard of an experiment that put cameras on a persons belt, I'm not sure if they thought they were in their belly rather than in their skull. see if you can locate the expt.
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