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  • Favorite Area of Science
    mechanics, particle physics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. That's exactly what my guide professor says. There's another thing, do you suggest we go for reciprocating type of refrigerator or the rotary one? ( In matters of efficiency that is) Also, do you think using a lame water jacket instead of a complex heat exchanger apparatus would do us any good? Unlike the one used in this following link - http://origin-ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0140700708000236-gr6.jpg And thanks for the help man!
  2. Hola Comrades! I'm a newbie here, but I must say the threads in this forum are quite interesting. Might as well stick around for a while. So I'm working with a group on a project to demonstrate "magnetic refrigeration", having thoroughly understood the concept of the magnetocaloric effect, we are unable to comprehend the construction of the heat exchangers that would provide us with such a high rate of conduction (For rotary type). It seems beyond our current IQ limits. It'd great if you guys could pool in some ideas. Also, obtaining the element Gadolinium is proving to be a very tedious task, we're in need for some substitutes, Nevermind if they aren't that efficient, we just need to demonstrate the magnetocaloric effect. Any suggestions please? Thank you very much.
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