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Quark (2/13)



  1. No sir she did not cook the soup, and yes sir she was the "source" of meat in the soup
  2. Yes, but then it wouldnt be a puzzle. The question was asked with an intended answer, and thats what you are trying to find. Its not about logic
  3. Indeed she is the source! And i think these things are actually known as lateral thinking puzzles (or yes/no puzzles). They are designed with a true answer in mind.
  4. Yes sir he did!
  5. Nope, he has not
  6. No. Maybe split that down into a few questions (you are close )
  7. He does not feel guilty about eating the turtle Yes it does Alex i treat your statement as a question, if you know the answer or you remember it please dont spoil it for unity, and anyone else that has the oppertunity to work this out.
  8. Yes, but that is not the answer, we now need to establish why he feels guilty!
  9. Nope, nice try though
  10. A simple riddle! Well, okay maybe not so simple. I'm going to give you good people a senario, i want you to tell me how it came about (im looking for alot of info, the how, why, where all that good stuff). The Riddle! A gentleman walks into a resteraunt and orders turtle soup, has one taste, and the leaves. Why? The Rules 1. I may only answer yes, or no to any question asked. 2. If you know the answer to this then please dont spoil it for the other members. 3. Please dont google, it ruins the fun. Also please consider that i wont be able to instantly reply, be patient. And this may take a while, the answer is very complex!
  11. With paticular reference to your croc example im going to say that the behaviour is instinctive. I suggest this because reptiles are born precotial, and do not require parental care, as such most of their behaviour is instinctive.
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