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Everything posted by VincentA

  1. Those are some very helpful references & open a whole door to making the environment more dramatic & "visual"!
  2. Oh yeah, I'm a huge Dune fan! It is definitely an inspiration. I've read some interviews with Herbert and you can tell he spent some serious man-hours studying ecology. So, you think the environment would be something like Arrakis?
  3. Hi! I'm a science fiction author and I'm working on a project that involves atmospheric science, which is not something I am very familiar with. I was hoping someone could help me out. The setting is an earthlike planet. It takes place a few centuries after a global war; weapons of mass destruction were used at the end of the war. They had the after-effect of disturbing the atmosphere and creating incredibly strong wind currents that stretch for thousands of miles. Could someone point me to some good online and print resources to get me started understanding the basics? I do have a few questions: What specific conditions could create such an effect? (In other words, what would the WOMD have to do to make this possible?) What effect would such conditions have ecologically on a large scale? Thanks in advance
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