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  1. Yes '' what's your view about it ~ what can one teach me on action~reaction:
  2. Theory of the propagation of a light Beam and it's Impact: Roger Dynamic Motion replied to Motion's topic in Speculations in the Science Forum : First; I have to point out: ''THE BEAN OF LIGHT'' has two functions , the light and the shock Wave . To the best of my understanding, the shock wave from the beam arise from the expansion of the source'' the tungsten'' ,compressing space, creating its own gravitational field, to impact on matter, the same way the presence of the Earth has created it own gravitational field witch is inversely proportional to its sises and composition of matter:~ If it is not So ; can some one explain the respond of the impact of the light beam from the target, back to the source ~ ''The radar'' :
  3. Theory of the propagation of a light Beam and it's Impact: Roger Dynamic Motion replied to Motion's topic in Speculations in the Science Forum : First; I have to point out: ''THE BEAN OF LIGHT'' has two functions , the light wave and the shock wave . To the best of my understanding, the shock wave from the beam arise from the expansion of the source'' the tungsten'' ,compressing space, creating its own gravitational field, to impact on matter, the same way the presence of the Earth has created it own gravitational field witch is inversely proportional to its sises and composition of matter:~ If it is not So ; can some one explain the respond of the impact of the light beam from the target, back to the source ''The radar'' :
  4. Nothing but words '''is not a logical and mathematical explanation to real reasoning :
  5. There is no space science : That's why''''
  6. How? can there be more than ''One Sun'' in the Universe and pretend ''' the exitance of Galaxies with one Sun in each of those :
  7. I like that!, about the elastic band__ wounded spring, NO ! __it can only be used to store a force as a single component to be transferred to an other component or used as an oscillator. remember gravity as a field potential in straight line that why it can be synthesized; there is more to it, if i am aloud to comment ??
  8. I agree when you state a falling body gain no mass ;VS'_ in, and accelerated frame its ''mass-forces'' increase
  9. i agree!_ roger4464 ''Time'' needs to be considered, here !_ ''in this statement''_ if phonons are in prosesse, compacting , than they are exited and creating light to forme photons wich will string back to the same path, that is ,the incomming string particles= propagation of light throughout the same medium formed by it's same .
  10. in you mind ! what is the model of the Universe ? CAN YOU ESCAPE FROM IT? and if you can! please discribe what you see? is the same area ( spot) loking at you ? are you loking at all it's side... thank. .roger 4464
  11. Si vous etes un sientifique/? vous devriez comprendre ,qu'eclairer le cerveau de ceux qui vous lisent ne fait qu'augmenter votre cotes__ prestige.
  12. Magnet can be a substitute, to 'gravitational field', with the use of matter _''TO CREATE A FORCE'' and converted to kinetic energy _ continuous motion, ''in a circle path''_( important) !! ...... ''possible only in a closed system'' :
  13. it is conservative, so, it is a potential energy that FIRST must be transformed to a ''force'' with the use of'matter''_ and this FORCE transformed to kinetic energy by mean of motion in a circle ''SPACE MOTION'' than it can be transformed again to electricity and again to heat and to steam: WHAT I HAVE POSTED WILL HELP ''people''TO OPEN THEIR MIND__that is good !!
  14. why ? don't we have a physical model to explained the veracity of the words said._ Are we trying to hide knowledge ?
  15. Before; one can think of using Gravitational field as a source of energy potential and transform it to Motion_ knowledge in ( classical mechanics) (classical physics) (space time phenomena_ ''dilatation'' and ''contraction'')........ Roger D......M...../ .
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