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  1. Looking at my old SFN posts. Why was I such an idiot...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bignose


      Endercreeper, the trick here is to learn from why your theories got questioned. The poor responses to the questions is what led to them being locked. All of us have ideas that aren't right -- it is how we react to those errors that is really important. And learning from the errors.

    3. Endercreeper01


      The theory was a long time ago. It wasn't my poor responses, it was how you didn't respond well. Besides, the theories were not what I was referring to. You don't know if my theory was right or wrong, but you had an opinion it was wrong. I had an opinion that it was right. You can't pass off opinions as facts.



    4. hypervalent_iodine


      No, Endercreeper, it was your poor responses that got them closed. Bignose put a lot of effort into trying to help you out in those threads and as he said, you should try to learn from where you went wrong and move on. Being stubborn and not accepting responsibility for when you may be at fault won't get you anywhere.

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