Using the radius is more natural because we define a circle by its radius, not diamater.
Equation 1 is this:
It has single pi because it is the change in the sum of angles a, b, and c and pi radians, 2 and 3 are made using integration, in equation 4, pi/2 is also tau/4 (1/4 of a turn), and what is equation 5?
Well in many equations where pi is used, It is some even number multiple of pi and a single pi only comes from integration. And the circle constant should use the radius, like in all of our other equations, instead of the diameter.
Im talking about with circles then tau should be the circle constant and 2tau should be the sphere constant
I agree with what you said, but we can just slowly bring tau in.
If you solve the equation, e^iτ=1
How is this silly?
So What if we can only measure the diamater directly? The radius shows up in almost all of our equations for circles.
We can still slowly bring in tau
Im not sure exactly, but i think it would be because the Cd for a plate would probally be different if it was supersonic. someone said there was a way to calculate Cd at supersonic speeds, so im not sure if this also works at supersonic speeds
Yes, but in this theory, you use the drag coefficient it would have if it was a flat 2D plate (based on Reynolds number) and you multiply that by the cosine of the average value of all angles less then 90 degrees.
Well gravity is proportional to the inverse if distance sqared, so then the other stuff would cancel out but then, As you would approach a mass then it gets bigger and bigger by 1/r^2, so it would have an effect
Well gravity is proportional to the inverse if distance sqared, so then the other stuff would cancel out but then, As you would approach a mass then it gets bigger and bigger by 1/r^2, so it would have an effect
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