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Everything posted by Lightingbird

  1. I'm trying to understand what I have just learned. So some sort of browser based code or binary was discovered in equations for super-string theory. I have a few questions since I am very confused. If code was created by Claude Shannon in the 1940's, then how could it be in this code? Does this mean that maybe this person just discovered the existing code instead of create it? Can this be tested or is it all just theoretical? Finally, if these class of block linear self dual error self correcting codes exist and later string theory is found real, what does this mean for the whole picture? Could reality be some sort of virtual reality or maybe something else? Maybe some of these cant be answered but I'd like some insight and opinions either way.
  2. I believe the experiment is more along the concept that reality is perceived by someone acknowledging it. Correct me if I am wrong. In other words, If you can see your best friend and see that is alive. Then he sees you and verifies the same thing. Then as I look into your window can see you and your friend standing together acknowledging your alive. This goes on and on. Eventually, someone outside of the planet would have to see us for us to exist. So the theory reflects the possibility of alternate realities for every outcome for all possible events. Again, correct me if I am wrong.
  3. You seem to be talking about Pseudoscience at best. You can't be shocked asking for real answers when you are talking about Pseudoscience. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedCan you try to stress your thoughts if you are talking about real science or not.
  4. OK Here is my question. What does it mean? Why would you need to answer this question? Now from my understanding this is in some sort of relation to superstring theory. Bear with me, I admit I'm not sure. It has always been my thought the point of this was for our living determination. I mean that I see a guy a bus alive. The girl next to me sees me. Kids at a playground see the bus go by the school. A person in a business office looks down at the kids. A passenger on a plan is looking at the buildings. Then from the space some astronauts looks down at the small plans traveling about. This goes on and on until at some point who look at all of us to know we are actually alive. Again.. I'm stretching. Correct me please. I've always been confused about this.
  5. Ha I'm wondering what is going on. Jupiter was hit not to long ago. Now this: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2009/08/09/like-the-fist-of-an-angry-god/
  6. Now how could this be tested? At least with current technology.
  7. Hello, My first post here. /waves Just a thought. Is it possible our universe is actually the start of a black hole? Essentially that we and everything in this universe inside of that "hole"? No way of knowing but think about it. To further explain exactly what I mean. For example, is it possible that everything in our "known" universe inside of a black hole. Explaining the expanding? Just a thought. Discuss.
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