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  1. Thank you so much. Yes it was useful. I read the entire article and before that i read another one here http://www.americanpendulum.com/en/2012/03/26/remove-system-check/. Both recomended the same thing - to just use an antimalware tool. I downloaded http://www.malwarebytes.org, as you sugested and now I am waiting for the scan to finish. The good thing is that all those messages I got from the program were fake and my computer is actually fine (except this rouge ) thanks again
  2. Guyss, hi! Can you tell me how to delete a program called System Check. It sends me strange messages and pop up notifications and to be honest I don't think it is a real program. I am not sure what it does exactly, but I surely want to remove it. I tried through Control Panel and I also searched for an uninstall icon, but no luck. I have windows 7 on my PC(if it is at any importance). Thank you!!
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