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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. There's a finite memory capacity in both brains and machines, but that doesn't necessarily reflect upon deities. If you consider a deity to be limited by physical laws, then it suggests limits to the deity's abilities or that our knowledge of physical laws is incomplete. If you consider a deity to be supernatural, then you might as well throw the book out the window, as there is nothing such a being couldn't do.
  2. Hate to say it but I've considered this fact myself. You've got everybody and their brother shooting themselves/others accidentally, from gun instructors on down to little kids. Then you have guns ending up in the hands of the criminals/disturbed. Often facilitated by legal gun owners either directly via straw purchases, stolen from their homes, or just something little Timmy has grabbed because he's upset with his classmates. Then there's the police angle. The cops are armed because the criminals may be armed. The mere presence of a firearm has been shown in studies to increase aggression(on both sides). So yeah, you have a situation ripe for you and yours ending up shot deliberately or accidentally(even if you don't own a weapon). All of which seems to be the exact opposite of claimed benefits. All the evidence suggests that if you are human, you stand a good chance of making a mistake and when holding a deadly weapon, one impossible to correct. Since you can't not be human, the smart thing to do seems to remove the deadly weapons from the equation. I ever have any kids crawl out of the woodwork I would have to seriously consider whether I would want them to grow up here. Maybe somewhere out in Timbuktu but I don't know about mainstream Americana.
  3. I read a sci-fi story along these lines although beetles were used instead. A knowledge repository, your hypothetical descendants might someday decode(with proper sequencing assuming mutation does not make it unreadable).
  4. Yes, Kate Chopin was the author. Book was fairly interesting as far as providing a different perspective for that time period.
  5. I read a couple in school that had to do with women's rights. Their Eyes were Watching God and The Awakening.
  6. Minimum biometric locks. Best of both worlds. You can have your weapon sitting on your nightstand and not have to worry about one of your children handing his friend your shotgun. Thankfully I only ended up giving my friend a shiner, but you know, the situation could have turned out differently.
  7. Do you share your IP address with anyone else?
  8. Should probably look into gas analysis instead. You can convert a gas into a liquid via typically cooling and pressurization, but could easily get expensive depending on the gasses involved. What you'll want to do is look at the phase diagrams for the gasses you expect to see and work from there to figure out feasibility.
  9. Logic Gates, Adders, Memory, Clocks. Have you worked on any similar projects before this?
  10. You can't amend an amendment?
  11. Divide word length by two?
  12. Any chance it ended up in your spam folder?
  13. Q.E.D.
  14. @OP: Theory has a different meaning in Science. What you are proposing is a Hypothesis.
  15. Support helpline scam. Can't trust anyone but the official site itself(accessed from a non-infected device). Possibly coupled with ransomware or the like. Almost certainly is infected at this point in any case. Check your contact info associated with the email account, make sure that wasn't changed. If so, change the password again after putting it back. Delete any old messages in case the initial problem was caused by something you downloaded. As for the desktop, you may need to restore it to factory default. There are videos/guides online or you can take it into a repair shop if you'd rather. If the scammer didn't have access to the laptop it is probably fine.
  16. There has been a general decline in ethics over the years. That much is true. Not really sure whether it stems from the population at large or modern military culture. Lot of money involved these days. I was mostly thinking of the people who compile all the data points though. The data goes up to them and they make changes from on-high. Eventually filters back down and courses are adjusted as a result. It is like that for qualifying for your actual rating/mos(Enlisted). Practical is honestly most important part. Everything else is in a procedure or manual somewhere. Not always that cut and dry. Mainly thinking about Rating exams where you can be lumped in with people who share a rating but wildly different job responsibilities. It would be like a clock maker and Swansont being asked questions from each others field of expertise. In theory yes, they could study to the point that they could answer any question thrown at them, but realistically they are best off studying what they can and then studying the test itself to gain the best advantage(even if only what not to do in the case of negative points for wrong answers). You basically need to take off 1/2 a point per question minimum to remove any incentive for guessing(assuming correct answers are worth 1 point). You can take off more it just doesn't gain you anything more besides the psychological effect. You eliminate 1 of 4 answers and you have 1/3 a chance to guess correctly. You eliminate 2 of 4 answers and you have 1/2 a chance to guess correctly. You eliminate 3 of 4 answers and you know the answer. Main thing is that either way it was a zero point value test. In that case even "negative" points for wrong answers might not have any impact.
  17. True. There probably is some critter out there that sees the inside of Chernobyl as a salad bar.
  18. I would always use those to help me know what to study later, though I never had an instructor tell us not to guess. You know the practical is going to be in the same format with similar or identical questions. For every military test I can think of, guessing will net you a fraction of a point on average per question you guess on(and yes this is pretty archaic). There is something to be said though about sustaining winning habits. Realistically you know the back office folks who figure out the statistics can factor in people guessing as well in any case. I have taken nonmilitary academic tests where there are penalties for wrong answers. SAT was like that and it was just a matter of subtracting the penalty from how many fractions of a point on average you can expect from the process of elimination and guessing. Then you know whether to guess or not.
  19. Radiotrophic fungus exists too, though none of it looks like anything you should eat.
  20. There's not a huge amount of difference between the younger generation carrying the burden collectively vs carrying it individually. Situation isn't completely ideal yet for the elderly, but it is better relative to historical norms. Thinking mainly for those whose children are themselves lost to accidents or otherwise unable to help financially to the extent that modern medical care demands. The old system of "have enough children so at least one survives to care for you" is largely what is causing issues today. Even most religions encourage good stewardship, rather than have Man act as Earth's locusts.
  21. Interesting, nice that it has a proper name now.
  22. You can look at it two ways, there either was no center or the center is everywhere. The Big Bang was more an unfolding than an explosion. There's nowhere to go outwards to/from. Scientists can however use the fact that light takes time to travel and see what happened at some point in the past and observe development that way. Now, there probably are species much older than our own. Universe has been around for a long long while. Good odds we're showing up fashionably late to the party.
  23. Reverse gravity assist?
  24. China has been pumping money into their Construction Industry for awhile now. Searches for: "China Construction Bubble" "China Ghost Cities" will give a good overview. Bubbles honestly behave more like waves traveling through an economy. Money moves from one segment to another, to another. Eventually the wave ebbs, perhaps having split among enough segments or reduced in power by accumulated losses.
  25. How has the access to weapons helped people of lower socioeconomic status?
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