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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Yes. I mean that between species aren't these regions themselves more varied than the coding sections?
  2. Traversal via conditional statements would work. Another option might be to create a list of all the options and refine your results from there. Looks like best bet would be to look up self avoiding walks. May be able to find a better solution out there.
  3. Wasn't there something about a greater number of differences in the noncoding regions?
  4. "becoming" being the key word here. Your words actually supports what Studiot was saying.
  5. Da, epigenetics has been talked about in the past here. From my own observations the essential workings are the same, only the means by which the information is encoded is different. Essentially the relatively set nature of DNA can work against it in shorter time frames. Makes a certain amount of logical sense, you don't update the blueprint if all you want to do is paint the house. Besides the encoding scheme everything is otherwise the same though. Ideally we end up with something broader in scope we can apply to our understanding of both real and artificial evolution. Would take much of the guesswork out of existing approaches in both arenas. What factors are needed to create brittle or supple code as necessary to solve a given problem.
  6. Might want to look at their accomplishment as a monument to their commitment. It isn't about the "what" it is about what they did to achieve that accomplishment. Anyways, based on what I've seen of the psych tests as long as you don't answer "Yes" to any of the more obvious questions you'll be fine. ie. "Do you hear voices?", "Do the voices urge you to harm yourself or others?", etc.
  7. Is there any form of flowing water available? That would be simplest for cooling. An alternative option would be to utilize the waste heat for producing hot water(showers, washing, etc). Necessarily the engine output will drop as the heat sink's temperature rises. Otherwise there is always air cooling which while not being as efficient could still work decently enough depending on the temperature difference.
  8. Was there any sort of consistency to the changes or were they random?
  9. Yeah, I received the same result using (6.626×10^-34) /[(100)×(0.1×10^-15)].
  10. http://www.wired.com/2014/11/nano-sub-co2-scrub/ I wish we had this back when I was still onboard a sub. Amine has to be one of the most noxious substances in existence. Ideally we would have a means of splitting off the oxygen from the CO2, but this is at least a step in the right direction.
  11. Pure, not one of those hybrids. A couple of representative examples, though there are a number out there. onSpaceStart Pure CSS Game Pad(demo)
  12. Pure css/html games probably come the closest to what is being described here. No if statements though do utilize check/radio boxes(typically) to keep track of the program state.
  13. Well its tragedy of the commons writ large. Part of the problem is that damage already done will persist. Second issue is that people keep eying up our atmosphere for power generation and as a dumping grounds. Related issues going on with the oceans. Acidification and a growing plastisphere. Increasingly the world is an agglomeration of natural evolution and man made changes. We are nothing if not adaptable so it isn't all doom and gloom, but there could well be minor and major issues along the way. Anyhow... A - Possible though BCI is still pretty crude and we still need to work on the input problem. It isn't enough that you send information out, your brain also needs to receive information back in. We typically piggy back on your optics system, but that can't provide fine control. Would need heavy safeguards to mitigate the risk of someone hijacking the sensory stream. Brings a whole new meaning to "zero day attack" when one could wipe out the human race. B - Brain in a Vat. You would need a support system to maintain your brain. Probably easier to keep the two separate and have you control a robotic body or bodies remotely. You'd need to handle nutrients, waste cleaning, some form of immune response, your thought process also closely relies upon different hormones so that may need to be factored in as well. This also doesn't rule out cancerous cells(though it does substantially lower your risk). C - I suspect this step will be more one of teaching than mapping. I don't personally think there is enough to speculate about what would be required. D- Holograms like Star Trek? Entertaining but holograms of that sort are in the "almost certainly impossible" range. Kind of pointless too if you are an algorithm interacting with other algorithms. If you feel like taking a stroll grab your lifelike robot body or even assume control of a biological one for awhile.
  14. There are actually glasses out there, from reading looks like limited scope though. Project sounds interesting. There are other forms of assistive tech but this looks a unique idea.
  15. Your set up wouldn't be an energy source. It'd be a version of a flywheel which only permits energy storage. I think it would actually stop even quicker than otherwise due to gravity differences. You can only obtain energy from gravity if there is a separation between masses. You want more energy out, better put more energy than you are planning to take out, back into the system. Brain is kind of fried tonight. Some of the others can probably explain it better.
  16. The mass concentration will effect both sides of the wheel bringing it to a stop as the initial energy provided to it is spent. You can make a mock up with magnets if you want to prove the logic to yourself.
  17. If we were to continue the jellybean analogy then there are trillions of jellybeans and people are only guessing in the 100's. There are things theoretically possible that remain improbable. Occasionally you see diamonds in the rough there, but it is always more developed analysis(provided by other posters) that causes it to amount to anything at all. For providing an avenue from which insights might be gleaned I almost feel a random generator could do as well if not better, as it would lack preconceived notions. Realistically there are other areas online open for discussion. This probably is though one of the few that speculators can approach those they are seeking to interact with. I do have to say I don't like the predictable path most discussions there tend to take. Recent thread left a bad taste in my mouth after a couple of attempts to get OP to succinctly describe some of the honestly interesting points in his hypothesis led nowhere but to a predicted thread lock. Makes me shy away from participating there if the result is a virtually foregone conclusion. This slide from the SFN presentation is relevant as well: http://philipp-burckhardt.com/files/Presentations/ScienceforumsPresentation/ScienceforumsPresentation.html#/11
  18. Almost sounds like you are describing a circumferentor with a mirror attached. Might be able to make a modern variant. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/compass
  19. If you could measure mass to a high enough degree you would find that it does increase. For realistic measurements you need to be going an appreciable fraction of the speed of light and unless you're The Flash this is probably not the case. Time dilation isn't any kind of illusion. Two measurements of the same thing can differ and both measurements can be accurate for their respective frames of reference. Probably the best way to experiment with this concept: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/relativ/muon.html
  20. It will all be worth it when we finally have a Fusion powered Orlando Eye.
  21. An external source of randomness(and necessarily requiring hardware) is the answer imo. ...and why is the NOR gate so unloved?
  22. Sadness, experience, knowledge... There is much more to life than pleasure alone, so I conclude that scientifically the premise is false. Ordinarily an unsupported statement like that would garner heated debate from the OP but based on past evidence, as interpreted by my brain, I deduce that this won't be the case. Now let us see whether this arbitrary interpretation of evidence is correct or not.
  23. You are comparing it to itself which really isn't a comparison at all.
  24. What is the Universe relative to?
  25. A good creepypasta. I'm a fan of SCP Foundation stories myself. That creepypasta is mainly centered around: -The Big Rip/Chill -Recurrence or more accurately a physical form of reincarnation(infinite infinities) The "End" stages in the Big Rip scenario would be matter-lite relatively speaking and there's no good reason for it to form into you(even if there was a sufficient quantity). Both are also speculation about the future. Time could end on Monday or the Universe could give deflation a whirl. We only know what is probable based on past experiences.
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