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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. lol I was just watching that over on YouTube. "How long can you tread water?"
  2. Noah wasn't exactly from the scriptures but it did reasonably well in terms of earnings. I'd label it as an artistic piece more than anything else. Reminded me of his movie The Fountain which was pretty decent provided you could keep up with it.
  3. Genes are a product of evolution. Evolution works to solve a problem like intelligence does, but the two differ in methodology. Generally speaking Intelligence acts upon prior knowledge, while Evolution tries everything repeatedly. Neither is so simple in real life but that's the gist of it.
  4. Some of the islands maybe. There is nowhere totally free from pollution though. Healthy lifestyle + Medical Care + Low risk is mostly what you are looking for.
  5. Endy0816

    My dream

    I like to entertain similar notions but that is all they are without supporting evidence. The question boils down to: "Can I go somewhere that may or may not exist?" There's also the possibility that the multiverse does exist and that the rules for our particular Universe mean we are incapable of accessing the rest of it.
  6. People like to use that analogy. There's no 1:1 equivalence though. I mean literally any amount of mass would work.
  7. What all are you proposing to use for radiation shielding and/or cellular damage prevention?
  8. Endy0816

    My dream

    There's no reason to think they exist as Universes in the first place. Most of the superhero Universes also tend to violate the laws of physics. If there's any kind of 'distance' between Universes necessary to traverse then they would be further from us than many others.
  9. Thanks. I found a couple of the past versions on the Way Back Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20020807212653/http://www.scienceforums.net/
  10. Do you happen to know what the atom symbol is in reference to? Honestly, reminded me of the Naval Reactors logo.
  11. Yeah, I have to agree to at least requiring licensing. There's simply too much you can do with one. Doesn't take genius to install a remote release mechanism and start dropping stuff. Just find a descent sized crowd or structure and you are good to go. Probably just nuisance attacks will be the main issue. Delivery of paint bombs without any realistic threat of arrest. More curious how the self driving vehicles are going to pan out. Those are probably going to end up as components in the worst attacks down the line.
  12. Don't believe everything Morgan Freeman says. It isn't like he's God or something... Scratch that.
  13. That is a complicated question dependent on the mass of electrons involved. If OP would consent to a hemispherectomy we can attempt to find an answer for you. Now it is possible that we may find an issue lies on the opposite side of the brain. In this case we'll have to perform the rare double hemispherectomy. After which it is almost certain we'll have an answer for you.
  14. there are a ton of issues in your post... Mass is attracted to Mass. Mass != Weight Weight is a term for force. I transport you to the moon and your weight will be different but your mass will remain the same. Weight = Mass * g g = local acceleration due to gravity Gravity and magnetism are two different forces. Losing muscle mass in space is normal as your muscles doesn't need to work as hard(including your heart). This only becomes an issue when you return to a region of higher gravity(Earth, Mars, etc). There are other health issues that a low gravity environment can cause, but there's nothing truly insurmountable.
  15. A payment processor might be able to provide what you are looking for.
  16. I'm going to have to try and remember to take a look at the DAGR :/ I know it receives a fair amount of information and typically we barely look at it.
  17. I say nothing. Instead I attack the giant and take his eye. Without his eye the giant is now a gant. I place the enigmatic glove on my hand and proceed across the bridge.
  18. Here's a blog article talking about the issues with the paper in question: http://motls.blogspot.com/2014/06/fransons-breakthrough-concerning-speed.html links are provided if you wish to fact check.
  19. Planck time and distance represent limits on our ability to measure. Mordred can probably explain this better. You are verging into relativity here. When we say light travels, we are referring to measurements taken from our own reference frame.
  20. What causes someone to change religions though? I've tried to work in the worthwhile bits of other religions, but can't say I've ever converted.
  21. @Dr. Funkenstein: We didn't determine the speed of light based on light straight from the Sun. So while the Sun may be more or less constantly emitting radiation, in knowing the Sun's distance and the speed of light we can deduce the amount of time it takes that radiation to reach us. You may also want to take a look at sunspot activity. You can prove to yourself that events happen on the Sun and it isn't just some giant bulb in the sky. Note: Radiation spreads out roughly like so: There are no 'zones of influence'. Provided nothing happens to it, radiation just keeps on going. The closer you are to the source the more radiation you receive. You can still see Sigma Draconis though and bask in its rays.
  22. Injectable RFID chips and the like are completely different(and much simpler) than chips recording neuron activity. Make the same difference if you were holding the thing so it certainly doesn't need to be injected. Only real reason to inject is so you never need to worry about losing the thing.
  23. Here is a link to some of what has been accomplished: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tissue_engineering#Examples The field is still pretty new though.
  24. If you are able to, I recommend installing an adblocker.
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