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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Thanks. Yeah, neither red or black is safe here lol. Personally favor worlwide harmonizing based on best practices though would mean introducing many major changes.
  2. Reading online seems like chosen to harmonize for safety purposes and that those particular colors were selected due to color blindness concerns. Could still do it of course. Think UK plugs are already unique with the fuses so may not be that big a deal in terms of cost/Market size.
  3. Curious how long an AI's copyright would last.
  4. Species grows well pretty much everywhere. I think that's part of why it had never been farmed(as far as we know). I would be concerned with manually harvesting the rhizome in warmer climates though. Have been different projects looking into it. As a way to make use of marshy areas, especially with modern harvesting methods, could work out. https://fensforthefuture.org.uk/creating-the-future/wetland-crop-typha https://www.farmshow.com/a_article.php?aid=24375 https://northsearegion.eu/canape/paludiculture/typha/
  5. I feel the author's logic is somewhat faulty. They assume vehicles need to stay parked somewhere. Ideally they drop you off and leave the area instead. Take awhile to see a true smart setup(and longer for transport mode routing), but even something partial would be leaps and bounds ahead of what we have now. Much more efficient use of space, time and resources.
  6. That's a big reason why I'm such a big supporter. With self driving vehicles we could better cities like Peterkin suggests and equally make public transit and the rest more workable. Could definitely do some interesting things with them. It could plan routes and arrive/depart exactly when it predicts you'll need it to. .
  7. Yeah, would reduce numbers dramatically if most are in service. Would also allow Parking Garages to be so much better. We could reclaim so much land from driveways and parking lots.
  8. Partly due to then being intelligent enough to help with birthing too.
  9. Keep thinking might work out if we do swaps. Maybe create a KE/PE Market.
  10. Thought this pretty cool creation someone posted over on the Space Subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/ooexmd/i_unwrapped_buzz_aldrins_visor_to_a_360_sphere_to/
  11. Maybe metal contamination? Might be worth looking at buying reverse osmosis system if bottled water doesn't cause issues.
  12. Oceans boiling off is predicted in only 1 billion years and will probably be other 'early' impacts. Megaprojects to extend the sun's lifespan, colonize and/or evacuate everyone are likely to take considerable time themselves. Need to get started or time will get away from us.
  13. Could represent Observable Universe like this. We are at some point on the blue line. Gray lines representing all other big gravitationally bound regions are curving away or separating from us(or from their perspective, we from them). What we see of this will depend on whatever light has presently been able to reach us and what there is to actually see.
  14. Conduct Tier-5 Surveillance to determine who is Administrator Direct operatives to capture Administrator along with hostages While holding Administrator gesture wildly at hostages while loudly speaking Klingon Finally, in perfect English, ask Administrator to open Command Prompt Repeat as needed. Note Administrator may grow wise to Tier-5 Surveillance and require higher Tiers moving forward.
  15. Feel what we're seeing is just a major change in Market demands alongside restriction on worker migration. Another short squeeze of sorts, but on Employers this time. Do think will eventually finish working its way through the economy.
  16. Did happen when people were draft dodging back in the day. Would be hard for majority but some could definitely manage. Probably joking, though IMO most here would likely to imagine the Interior regions in Winter, when they think of 'Canadian temperatures'.
  17. Hoping Biden's plan for global minimum gets enough backing. Be good to stop the shenanigans. Welcome. Amazon's ecosystem is definitely bit weird when it comes to accounts.
  18. Yes, however it is storing state for hibernation so may also need to disable that feature. https://www.ionos.com/digitalguide/server/configuration/deleting-and-disabling-hiberfilsys/
  19. @StringJunky Thinking you must also be signed up with US Amazon (.com) and they just sent a standard TOS update. The Amazon Europe Core SARL terms on (.co.uk) look more as you probably expect.
  20. Got the same line in an email they sent me... Shipment contracts are an option under US law, not sure elsewhere. What does it say under 'Applicable Law' section?
  21. lol, yeah, they're super realistic. They're from the Spy in the Wild series. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDRZWhedLhwllnac-RBxvyw They're pretty fun to watch, though nobody has been worried about spying on a turkey... yet...
  22. Yeah, they can look amazingly realistic but mimicking flight or any real locomotion gives away the game lol.
  23. Take a second look at the 'birds'
  24. It's crazy how people would believe that such majestic creatures as these aren't real.
  25. Humans, bots or both; disagreed with, disapproved of, disliked, randomly decided to or accidentally downvoted your post.
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