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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. They're talking about an idealized isothermal process. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isothermal_process Fairly certain it couldn't ever perfectly occur in reality. Always some losses. I would recommend taking a look at the ideal Carnot cycle. Easier to consider it in that scenario Imo.
  2. The sense of smell is primitive in comparison with others and have a molecular basis. Imagine a key needing to fit into a lock. Because of this a number of drugs can have an impact. I would start by getting the name of the medicine from your doctor. Then you can check if the bennefits could be replicated or if continued use is advisable. Here is a list of some drugs known to have an effect. May help to narrow your search. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095881118300234
  3. You can always post a preprint on ArXiv if you're that concerned. The name of the game is not to keep everything to yourself. While if successful Fame and Fortune may follow, the main goal of Science to expand human knowledge in a methodical way. You want people to heavily critique your paper. If passed and then later shown to be flawed a bad paper can permanently tarnish your good name and reputation.
  4. They are likewise relying on you to do a fair review as well. If you don't like it you can go the vanity press route but there's little to stop people from publishing garbage. I honestly don't think you could even find multiple people per subject to review papers all day. If you have the skills to review at that level you have the skills to do.
  5. Were the reviewers and the journal all the same? Main issue would be simply finding people qualified. It's not like you're submitting an article to a magazine. Even there though can be a significant delay due to the number of submissions.
  6. Works via a cup with holes drilled on the bottom and a piece of tape acting as a simple valve on the top. If the tape is peeled back water/air can flow, otherwise if kept level the water will happily sit there. Partially based on thread here a few weeks ago, wanted to prove to myself that this concept would work in reality(beyond a simple straw or pipette). Have some thoughts that it might work for novelty applications(fish tanks, water spheres). A somewhat practical, bottom filling bucket could also be done, but haven't figured out a good valve design to minimize manual operation. Goes without saying applications would need to work around the obvious issue, but nothing strictly impossible to deal with. Water locks, pumps, etc. Left: Water filled, Tape in place Right: Rapidly draining, Tape peeled back Below: Simple model of what a clean version might look like.
  7. Anyone know a formula for how big a hole can be yet still keep water suspended in an otherwise sealed vessel, factoring in surface tension and atmospheric pressure?
  8. We use hexadecimal and especially sexagesimal regularly too. I actually think kids could really benefit from being better educated on the subject. Base 20 might not be my own first thought, but the different Mayan numerals could definitely aid in grasping the concept.
  9. May want to consider volcanic and ice moons as strong candidates too. Tidal heating is less restrictive in terms of location than solar.
  10. Think talking about the inertia the shaft plus any load will have.
  11. Good Brexit trade centric AMA, well worth a read. AMA Dmitry Grozoubinski


    1. nevim


      Thanks for that, Endy.

  12. Think I would have loved to have lived back when everything was so much more literally named.
  13. Not far off actually lol. Second division of an hour by sixty.
  14. Memory can also required as the calculator is trying to solve the problem, though Swansont's suggestion is a good one to check.
  15. Probably due to the fact that the calculator has limited memory to handle an infinitely long repeating decimal with as long a period as 3.93/0.64 has. More memory would help in this case for a more accurate answer, but all calculators have a point where they reach the limits of available memory. Pi is another case where you logically know the number should keep going, but instead it stops and/or is rounded. 3.93/0.641= 6.131045241809672386895475819032761310452418096723868954758... https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=3.93%2F0.641
  16. Yeah, it is really both more efficient in a world of digital content delivery and reduces material posessions. Evils of materialism aside there are practical problems with being weighed down by stuff. You may only use it once in a blue moon and is entirely possible for it to be lost or destroyed.
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second I believe it would look something like this in terms of the math. 1 Hz = 1/s 9,192,631,770 / 9,192,631,770 Hz = 1 / 1 Hz = 1s One of our members Swansont actually works on atomic clocks so hopefully he'll be along in a bit to provide more info and/or any corrections.
  18. Yeah, from what I've seen many cities water systems are set up to push water out to sea. Retaining it and/or letting it naturally reach the water table are better routes. Think many areas in the UK would be perfect for the large scale underground flood tunnels and reservoirs. Dechannelization and ponds could work too, but underground projects would probably be easier in terms of public support.
  19. Yeah, a lack of investment in infrastructure is what gets me. Regions boom with it and wither without.
  20. Definitely a better option than remote in most cases. Possible that in some cases outsourcing the driving could work in a combined approach though. Obtain human input on how to handle an unusual situation, while otherwise remaining on autopilot. Be simpler just to have a person in the car takeover but they could lack a license or the car empty.
  21. Partly agree about the trees themselves not making much sense, at least at the size suggested. Thought the adaptations and technologies employed were the most interesting parts. Moving towards more prehensile feet, perhaps even tails again, would definitely make sense though.
  22. Oxidation of the lignin. You might be able to safely de-acidify it. Restoration sites would be able to give the best methods.
  23. They apparently wear socks for warmth and comfort, but if they didn't it could work for everyone with long enough toes. Maybe some kind of foot gloves could be done. Read about this idea as a low-G adaptation in scifi, in Integral Trees by Larry Niven. Good read if interested.
  24. It's the areas that are already low that are the problem. La Paz, Bolivia has about 2.7 million living at 13.2% for instance. We can reasonably expect Chronic Mountain Sickness numbers to climb. It's really the same situation as with low lying areas, ideally we keep everything as it has been.
  25. That's only outdoors at sea level unfortunately. They're normally linked, but even with just CO2 increasing and O2 held constant, you'll see the O2 percentage level drop.
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