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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. You can raise masts and antennas above the surface and remain submerged. VLF and the underwater telephone are also options used today. I don't know for sure on this, but there could be transmitters attached to undersea cables acting as relays, in areas where submarines armed with nuclear weapons frequent. Be a fairly logical fallback option. I don't think it is necessarily a bad idea in general but between resources required, alternatives, and typical missions I don't think it'll see much traction.
  2. Space and Time
  3. Thought c related to them being orthogonal. Would see them swap in BH's.
  4. Lowers the pressure in the room(assuming room is reasonably sealed). Loading up with heat the air that is leaving. They are less efficient like you say. Better not to cause a leak in the first place than to have to pump fast enough to stay ahead of it. Dual hose or a proper Window unit are better options.
  5. That would only prove they had it on them, not that she sprayed them. Please look into cameras and consider mundane explanations. You and Phymatotrichopsis omnivora enjoy the milder winters. It causing rapid wilting and death might easily be mistaken for Roundup at first glance. Honestly I would probably just stop planting hibiscus there and a call it day.
  6. Might just be Texas root rot. Can also cause rapid wilting.
  7. We know people who lack the ability to feel pain. Doesn't really help them any though, as it leads to continually injuring themselves. Would be nice if the pain from long term untreatable damage could be blocked or in cases where there's an issue in the nervous system.
  8. VLF and ULF waves can travel below ground. Electrical current can also return through the ground(single wire telegraph systems). Not sure about your second question. QM requires a second standard transmission channel.
  9. Visible spectrum is a strong contender. Would probably be most useful indoors or outside at night. The ground also represents another good opportunity. Not wireless, but there is untapped potential in our electrical wiring too.
  10. In reality your skull makes such things problematic. There are real advances being made but everything is rudimentary. Easy to tell as well with the fairly bulky equipment needed still.
  11. L2 contracted distance L1 non-contracted distance Yes. You would normally use the length of the ship at rest for L1.
  12. For the second case above you can use: (1 day / 50K years) * L1 = L2 to find the contracted distance.
  13. I would say 3D printing is better. Depending on how it is done reduces energy demands in terms of shipping and storage. Could see the debate going either way though depending on what factors you are looking at.
  14. Trying to figure out what someone presumably more concerned about privacy, might want to see in the future. Presently demand is being driven by convenience and price concerns. Amazon and others either have already signed partnerships with healthcare groups or are in the courtship process, so we can reasonably expect general exposure to increase.
  15. Suppose you had to use one during a hospital stay. Ideally how would you like it to work in terms of privacy, accuracy, etc?
  16. For a system like psig(pounds per square inch gauge), you are considering atmospheric pressure to be Zero. Any pressure below that would then take on a negative value. https://www.setra.com/blog/the-difference-between-psi-psia-psig/2015/03/12 Something like psia or pascals is easier to consider. You can see that with: Pressure = Force/Area Pressure can only be zero if the Force is zero.
  17. It might seem like it, but a vacuum or any region of lower pressure, doesn't create any inward force. Rather air or water at some higher pressure is pushing its way into the region. Outside of pressures due to gravity, like atmospheric or seawater, the two are not really related.
  18. How would you feel about something that doesn't require a connection to the cloud?
  19. Not sure if it is exactly what you're looking for but the Belisarius Series is pretty great. Mix of alternative history, scifi and dystopian/utopian elements, set in the Byzantine period.
  20. We'd be living like we might onboard a submarine, space ship or space station. You can grow food indoors, produce Oxygen from the CO2, live underground to avoid radiation and if necessary use a centrifuge to counteract any ill effects of low gravity. Nothing totally outlandish. We may need to make some modifications to ourselves for some things. Could save large amounts of money and resources, but not sure how people will feel about that. To an extent you would be superhuman of necessity.
  21. Couple of options being explored. One is to use an automated excavator and then simply melting it. Another is to use microwaves and sublimation. You may need to remove contaminants, but can then use electrolysis to produce hydrogen and oxygen. In terms of technology everything is feasible. Look at 'in situ resource utilization' for more. Note you would need a variety of resources to keep people alive, though most are out there in some form. For colonization, I would expect to see a mix of artificial habitats, sleeper ships and robot driven methods. We have many billions of years to do all this in, so we don't need to rush. Having a number of self sufficient colonies out around/past Mars is the critical thing.
  22. ISS is still within the Earth's magnetic field. Estimated astronauts will receive 60% of their career long dose limit just going there and back. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/explorers-will-face-dangerous-amounts-radiation-their-trip-mars-180970384/ I'd like to see some initial guinea pig missions further out. I'm sure what's the best way to go about that but definitely needs to get done.
  23. It happens.The onboard hardware used for recognizing wake words is not as good as the servers understandably. Had Alexa launch into an explanation of Marijuana Day while I was on the phone with family. More entertaining than anything else though. Don't know other company's products as well, but you can turn the microphones off(Echo Dot) and there are Alexa remotes(push-to-talk) you could use instead. I think easing into the technology is best. I've been hearing retirement homes are starting to use them too. I like seeing when technology actually does some good in people's lives. All depends, what deep dark secrets do you talk about with Dougal?
  24. The nociceptors handle the actual sensing. Not sure tells you what pain really 'is' though. I'm kind of torn. Sometimes you can push through pain, other times it knocks you on your arse. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nociceptor — Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, Alpha Centauri game
  25. They only look for their wake word. People have checked network traffic for Alexa and found everything above board. There are local hosting options for voice control too, if you'd rather play it safe. Your phone's microphone would be a better target really. People are more attached to their phones. I've found routines and voice control really make life more pleasant and economical. I'm no longer walking into either a sweltering or dark home. Music is playing, underlights and bias lighting is set to come on at sunset. I honestly find myself missing the assistance during the days. Questionnaire could definitely be worded better. Do wish Alexa had more voice options.
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